Syan is currently covering the bushfires near the Grampians in western Victoria for ABC News.
Oops. Was posting via the iPad and it spell corrected. Just tried it again to see.
Monday 3 February to Thursday 6 February -
Ishkandar Razak presenting in Victoria tonight.
Friday 7 February -
Alexandra Alvaro presenting in Victoria tonight.
I believe this is the first time Alex presents a TV news bulletin in Victoria. She had presented the 7pm news while working at the ABC in Hobart. She had also read the morning news on ABC Radio Melbourne in recent weeks.
What ever happened to the brilliant Suzie Raines? We need more Suzie!
Pretty sure she reads the news on 3LO sometimes. I am almost certain I heard her read an ABC News bulletin last week. TBH I think she’s better on radio than TV.
3LO. Love that call sign. Thanks for the flashback.
Alexandra Alvaro presenting again in Victoria tonight.
Brilliant? Suzie is bland and robotic IMHO.
Bland and robotic is what the abc should be. Not trying to be a left wing Sky News.
Agreed. But this isn’t about the content. Suzie just isn’t a good presenter. And that’s important in a job like hosting ABC News
Sad to hear but looks like I’m outnumbered on this one, perhaps she is too robotic.
Tam is probably a good mix of personality for the role. Mary was also a loss.
Agreed that Mary and Paul Higgins were both good newsreaders
Lexi Hamilton Smith did present ABC New QLD on 14 February as originally promised (“will be joining … from 14 February”)
However shae also presented the news on 13 February (and may other times prior to that)
Gemma Venees presenting on the NC from 3pm for the first time from their Parramatta Studios.
It appears Gemma will be presenting the 3pm hour all week (Presumably from Parra) with Nakari Thorpe presenting Thursday and Friday. Lorna Dunkley presenting Gemma’s Morning shift.