ABC News Presenters and Reporters

Jenny Woodward’s one woman show at the Powerhouse “a funny and intriguing look at her brilliant career”

Brisbane Friday night

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Jenny’s stage show got an excellent review. It will now tour regional centres.

Review: From the weather to the stage, Jenny Woodward is a star

We only get two and a half minutes of Jenny Woodward each weeknight on ABC TV, but it’s not enough, is it? How about 90 minutes of everyone’s favourite weather presenter? Now that’s more like it. Her one-woman show Weathering Well is a nostalgic cavalcade of fun, and a warm and wonderful experience.

It premiered yesterday at the Brisbane Powerhouse, and is now set to go on the road and tour regional Queensland, where she is a cult figure. But don’t worry, city slickers – by popular demand a new show has been scheduled back at the Brisbane Powerhouse in August.

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Lisa Millar and Nate Byrne from News Breakfast made the trip to Brisbane to see Jenny’s stage show last night.


Karina Carvalho presenting in NSW tonight

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Monday 26 April to Friday 30 April -
Nate Byrne presenting weather in Victoria this week, filling in for Paul Higgins.


With India’s situation at the moment with covid 19, running out of control and the chance that the Australian government might stop majority of flights from India from coming back to Australia. Will the ABC pull out James Oaten out of India, because Anne Barker left Indonesia because of covid. Also there is a really big chance that he could catch covid and end up in hospital.

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Agree, reporting on India’s COVID situation SHOULD be able to be done remotely using Indian TV footage, it’s not worth risking anyone’s life to do so.

Same with reporting from war zones too, it just LOOKS better having someone on the ground doing so, but can’t see how being there makes a big difference.

I mean Bill Birtles is still able to report on Chinese news from Australia. James Oaten should be able to do the same and it would be 1000x safer.

Too bad it’s too late for him to get back now with all flights banned.

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Nate doing both News Breakfast and 7pm Victoria weather this week, hopefully he doesn’t say ‘good morning’ while doing the nightly weather :grin:

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They did initially and he filed reports from Melbourne before he returned a few months ago now when things seemed under control. Raf Epstein asked him on air about a week ago if was staying and he indicated he would be for now, perhaps that will change but he seems like he’s stuck there now. I got the sense at that stage it was his choice.

I disagree with the thought that reports can be constructed using footage from Indian TV, Oaten is giving a totally different perspective for being on the ground and gathering his stories than relying on others. Are there any other Australian reporters based there now?


Tuesday 27 April -
Iskhandar Razak presenting in Victoria tonight.


It was his first time presenting a 7pm bulletin.


I think he’s presented in Darwin before. Definitely his first Victorian bulletin.

Very interesting to get him to fill in though. Usually it would be Mary, Paul or James Hancock filling in for Tamara. Looks like they have big things planned for him.


Was reading the radio news this morning, would make for a long day!


Tamara said one of her children was sick today and she will be back tomorrow night.


Obviously no one else was available tonight so it gave the opportunity for Iskhander to present his first 7pm Victorian bulletin.
Iskhandar did fill in for Michael Rowland over summer on News Breakfast so has had some good opportunities to show his talent this year.


James is also leaving ABC soon.

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Oh really, where’s he off to?

Philip Williams farewells the ABC after a brilliant career

It’s with our profound thanks and gratitude, as well as much regret, that the ABC farewells Philip Williams.

Williams’s distinguished journalism career has spanned 46 years – 40 of them spent at the ABC, the past five as our Chief Foreign Correspondent, a role created especially for him.

He has decided it’s time to unpack his bags for a bit and spend some more time with his family and on his farm.

Gaven Morris, ABC Director News, says: “Philip Williams is one of Australia’s most accomplished foreign correspondents, one of the best storytellers in the ABC’s history and one of the most experienced and skilled field reporters of his generation.

“In the echelons of Australian journalists, and in the ABC pantheon, he sits at the very top.

“He is genuinely loved by ABC audiences. He’s always considered their needs and committed himself to thoughtfully explaining complex issues and disturbing events with care, clarity and compassion.

“He is loved and admired by his colleagues and peers for the quality of his character, his professionalism, his humility and the personal integrity he brings to every story and role.”

More information:


Phil Williams is retiring from the ABC.