News Channel spending way too much time on a NSW press conference. So far 20 minutes. Should have backed out of this 10 minutes ago.
Sometimes not the Studio Producers call. Usually a whole bunch of contradicting “Chiefs” will decide how long to spend on a conference or they’re sometimes used to time out a bulletin to the top of the hour.
They stayed on it for 30 minutes. Just wasn’t warranted. It was like they needed to fill in time.
Another big news day and we’ve got Landline repeats again.
Casey Briggs presenting this afternoon.
David Chau presenting tonight.
I didnt know that creating half an hour of content based on a couple of YouTube videos the ABC have posted during the year is now in their regular schedule.
Yes, seems like the return has been delayed another week looking at EPG.
Odd structure now instead with 90 minute blocks and a break for “video lab” and The Business specials.
Looks like there are a few press conferences coming up (at least Victoria and Queensland)
And despite taking about 25 mins of the Victorian presser, leaving no room for other stories, they’re back to repeats at 11:30. Unreal.
News channel broke away from massively newsworthy Andrews press conference discussing the Djokovic case… to air a repeat of One Plus One.
It’s mid January. Who is running this thing?
And not showing the Queensland presser with an update on cyclone, flooding and COVID.
ABC News channel has really dropped the ball over the holidays.
I’ve wondered whether they may have staffing issues due to the COVID numbers increasing and that might be why the schedule is changing but every time I’ve turned it round lately it’s just repeats of things.
Just watching it now and I swear the interview with the reporter about the Novak case was filled with Windows system sounds coming through the broadcast too. I thought it was notifications for me but mine were all muted and that was the only other place they could have been coming from!

And not showing the Queensland presser with an update on cyclone, flooding and COVID.
What is it with the ABC and Queensland?
Issues regarding New South Wales and Victoria will always take precedence over Queensland. That’s just the way it is in Australian media.
Don’t forget there’s also Sky News on FTA in regional QLD for people to get their news. Not as if ABC are the only provider.

I’ve wondered whether they may have staffing issues due to the COVID numbers increasing
This wouldn’t be helping, however the problems were evident over the start of the Christmas holidays before COVID numbers really blew up so it just seems like they’ve failed to ensure adequate staffing levels over the Christmas / New Year break.
It is significantly worse than previous years.

Issues regarding New South Wales and Victoria will always take precedence over Queensland.
While the Queensland conference was being held ABC News was showing a repeat of One Plus One.

While the Queensland conference was being held ABC News was showing a repeat of One Plus One
Exactly. For a national news channel there’s no excuses to not go live when there’s a press conference. One Plus One repeats can be anywhere else at any other time, or on iView.
Hahaha, they must be reading this! Karina just signed off a bulletin and said that they’re currently dealing with staff shortages themselves and viewers may have noticed only the half hour bulletins just before going to another One Plus One episode. At least they’ve addressed it so we can understand because it was getting annoying tuning in just for the end of news.