A Current Affair

Is ACA being rebranded as Woman’s Day in 2020?

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Its A New Idea!

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I never really watch the show but ACA have ran cross promotion for Channel Nine programs poorly disguised as a report for many years, if not decades.

Very occasionally, it might be watchable when they actually have to cover proper news or the 1-2 times a year they have a real exclusive report, but the vast majority of stories shown are absolute garbage.

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Anyone have a link or a recording of when Eddie Mcguire did ACA? There were a few on youtube but they all have seemed to disappear…

ACA coming from a green screen tonight?

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And why is that? :thinking:
Had a feeling there was something wrong

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It looks ridiculous- Tracy is dwarfed. But it doesn’t look like a green screen.

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Certainly not the normal studio.
Audio sounded different too.

It may have been coming from GTV9

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Thursday 10 October & Friday 11 October-

Brady Halls is hosting filling in for Tracy.


Really?! :anguished:how was that?

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Sylvia Jeffries is filling in for Tracy Grimshaw tonight.

Is this her first time hosting?



Friday 18 October-

Sylvia Jeffreys is hosting again tonight.


Tomorrow ACA will have an exclusive report on Jeff Fenech’s fight against pneumonia and a viral infection in a Bangkok hospital, including a visit by his daughter Jessica and her fiancee, who tied the knot by the boxing champion’s bedside.

Plus in a surprise, he flew into Sydney to attend Jessica’s wedding yesterday.

According to The Sunday Telegraph, the interview fee will contribute to Fenech’s huge medical costs.

Monday 21 October to Friday 25 October-

Leila McKinnon is hosting while Tracy is on a short break.


Looks like all his money went to his wife’s face. Plenty of work done there.

Monday 28 October-

Tracy is back hosting this week.