7flix - Programs and Schedules

What I was talking about was expanding it to a point where it would fill time day-after-day on a channel. For a sports channel, you would be looking at US sports

You mean their backsides, right?

No I don’t! One’s enough! :laughing:

Anyone who has been around MediaSpy long enough will know me as being someone who likes the ladies. Or at least looking at pictures of them. :laughing:

I’m not that paranoid. :stuck_out_tongue: Give me some credit.


24/7 Health Channel? Nothing but medical goods? :laughing:

I read that in my mind as the promo announcer :joy:


TV Tonight says rumours persist that this will be a movies channel.

Network Director of Programming Angus Ross confirmed to TV Tonight, “We are launching a new channel in February and things will be announced soon.”

emphasis on the word “things” - plural… more than one.

7HD will be announced too then you’d have to think.

Full announcement this week. Promos start tomorrow or Monday including a continuous loop on Channel 76. Begins programming on Feb 7 for the start of ratings. Well, that’s what I’d like to see anyway :wink:

doesn’t OzTam only open 2 or 3 slots in the year to add new channels to ratings? So if that happens, they might not be released until (for example) May 4?

I thought they just needed X weeks notice from the network of a new channel commencing operations.

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As a Brit I just struggle to see why the networks are so reluctant to relay information to their viewers. Here a new channel would be announced and promoted for months, not announces and launched a week later.

TV Tonight are speculating on a movie channel but can’t see that happening.

No idea. Possibly. I never said I was accurate lol. [quote=“Ryan, post:132, topic:341”]
thought they just needed X weeks notice from the network of a new channel commencing operations.
Is it possible 7 has done this and it’s just not been made public?

From TV Tonight when 9HD and 9Life launched:

Nine’s new lifestyle channel Life and SBS channel Food Network will be added to OzTAM ratings from November 29.

A spokesperson confirmed to TV Tonight OzTAM has four or five dates a year when channels can be introduced, deleted or change names.

Does anyone know those dates?

76 will be a channel targeted at the over 76 years audience.


Great! I’m heading that way rapidly! Lol

Things must have changed in the last few years then. Also from TV Tonight:

"OzTAM chief Kate Inglis-Clark said Nine had failed to give the required notice for its August 9 launch.

“We just put the systems in place,” Inglis-Clark told The Australian. “It’s just timing. They had to give eight weeks’ notice.”

I’d love if it was a movie channel, especially if it was in HD.
If both 7HD and 76 are used in MPEG4 format, could both be HD?

9 and 7 have always been like this - it’s a very unique trait of Australian TV. Everything between the big two is always kept a secret until the last minute. It’s the culture in Aussie TV. It’s not like this in the US either.

In the UK BBC dominates, BBC also does not take a single cent of ad revenue. In Australia it’s a two horse race between 7 and 9 who are neck a neck and both battling for ad dollars.

BBC has no ad dollars. Then ITV gets half what BBC does. And Channel 4 half that again. I don’t think there is as much at stake (relative) to the ad market size in the UL as there is in Australia.

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