7flix - Programs and Schedules

My IPTV spreadsheet has been updated to include 7flix.

I wonder why 7 only has 1 stream for 7flix for the entire of Regional QLD.

It seems unusual to think that 7 would broadcast a channel here without local ads, that’s very unlike them.

It’s not that unusual. Every new channel starts with either national ads or a loop during the ad break to start with until local ads can be found

Yeah, something similar happened when 9Life started in the metro markets if I’m not mistaken. National ads initially, local feeds later.

It’s pretty unusual. I thought they would have split 7flix Qld in preparation for local advertising.

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It is very unusual for 7 QLD though Willwalk.
They’re usually very proactive with having local ads on their multi channels, so it is very unusual to see that not happening with 7flix.

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When 7mate, and eleven started in Darwinin 2010 or 2011 there was the nature loop doing ad breaks.

But Go and gem did have local ads in Darwin from day one.

I will find out if 7flix will have local ads as I’m in the southern Sydney metro area currently.

Yeah I think this must be the case. 7flix is now streaming on 7live.com.au and the quality looks the same as always even though the streams have tended to be much higher quality than broadcast quality for the other channels.

Less than 6 hours to go.


Available on Freeview’s EPG

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And… welcome 7flix

Promo loop dropped out to OUAT at 6.01.

No ID sadly :frowning:


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Thanks for the cap.

That watermark is more noticeable that I would like, but to be expected these days I guess :worried:


Good to see subtitles on 7flix. Looks like some good movies coming up as well. The ads are mostly national ads to start with.

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Victorian government CSAs being played on 7Flix Sydney.

In regional Qld.

The sound seems to have improved and seems a bit clearer .

The picture - Seems ok and less “soft” but almost a bit dull like it needs brightening if that makes sense.

The capital city stream is running at 3.0 Mbps but the regional one for 7QLD is only 1.19 Mbps.

Some video from the first few hours - 2:14 is where the programs, watermark, PRG and promos start.


Any idea why the regional areas get a lower bitrate ?