62nd TV Week Logie Awards 2021-22

Sam Pang was hilarious. Always having a dig - this time at the expense of Travel Guides and as usual to Tom.


HYBPA definitely deserved that award. The team hilarious as always.


Love Tony​:heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Amanda Keller was just lame.


Its a great show!
That category has 4 other shows I love!

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She is the epitome of Australian TV, longevity over talent.

I’ve never rated her to be honest. I don’t find her funny or entertaining at all.

I don’t think anyone realises how long she’s been around for.

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He admits that’s his schtick. He’s quite funny. Better than some of the presenters.

Obviously not having the same writers that she has at I’m A Celebrity…

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What a stupid comment to make!
Anyway…Wasn’t the Late Late Show produced in the 90s not the 80s? :joy:

The award presentation this year pretty good so far in my opinion.

It’s good we’re keeping the musical performance local for a change.

The “Aussie in an International Show” award was presented earlier, and it was won by Jackie Weaver.

For now…

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I’ll admit tonight’s the first time I’ve actually laughed at Chrissy Swan, have never been a fan. Tony Martin has been entertaining but not great but all the others haven’t been great but I honestly don’t know what they can do these days - no matter what they do, there will be the people hating it and those will be the tweets and comments picked up every single time to create the stories about how atrocious things are. People and the media thrive on the negativity of it all. It’s a problem of our own making and seeing the comments here back it up too - some people like certain people, others don’t. The negative ones will be the ones that people will hear about.


Technically being produced in Australia means the Olympics are ‘locally produced’ right :wink:

I think you mean produced on location.

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I meant mounting a full coverage broadcast from Tokyo. Having a set and presenters in the IBC and the callers at the venues. And by locally produced coverage I mean the technical crews actually do the coverage.

The Olympics were basically a feed with seven plastering shit over the top. They didn’t have full OB’s etc.

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Nope. Calum Scott is performing tonight.