2SM 1269 Sydney

As you’ve said, he isn’t the first & won’t be the last to be treated badly by a radio station, but more often than not, if you have a tantrum when you get dumped, it doesn’t do you any favours, either at the station where you were, or at any stations that may take you on, you’ve gotta just accept it & move on.

Dave’s been lucky that they kept him on & gave him the number of new shifts he’s got, but then maybe that was their intention all along, they just didn’t tell him?

Maybe Dave’s worth more to them doing full network shows, rather than Breakfast on 2SM, 2HC Coffs Harbour & I think 1 other station which I can’t remember?

Dave being on mid/dawns & Sat. & Sun. will be right across the network, & like I said in my last post, he’ll have more listeners being on the full network shows, than he would’ve had on 2SM Breakfast, so he’s actually been promoted, not dumped, & he probably sees that now.

Management probably also wanted him back in Newcastle at 2HD, as he’s likely doing other stuff around the station in off air roles, that he couldn’t have done being at 2SM on Breakfast? I’m pretty sure the network is managed out of 2HD too, PD, etc. so maybe they wanted him back there?

Marcus is a Sydney based guy, so makes sense to have him at 2SM & other than fill in for Lawsy or do Breakfast, what else could he do at 2SM, he doesn’t do talkin’ sport, he could fill in for Graham Gilbert of an evening, & do a weekend shift, but everything else is set up to come out of 2HD.
Dave’s essentially a Newcastle based guy, so makes sense for him to be at 2HD, no reason for him being at 2SM.
Dave would be under utilised being at 2SM, & Marcus would also be under utilised with Dave being at 2SM doing Breakfast.

I’m not sure why Dave would be doing his weekend shows out of 2SM, like I also said, he’s spent most of his recent life (past 3 or so years doing breakfast on 2SM excluded), in Newcastle radio, & 2HD would be closer for him to travel to work.
I think he’s actually doing the weekend shows out of 2HD too, I’m pretty sure network news comes out of 2HD on Sunday mornings, not sure about Saturday arvo, but don’t know why they’d have 1 newsreader in the studios at 2HD, then Dave at 2SM of a weekend, they’d most likely all be at 2HD along with the NEWFM/FM Network staff, & no one would be at home at 2SM.


Oh yes, don’t get me wrong, Dave has been lucky to keep 5 shows a week - but 3 of those are mid-dawns and I suppose that grates a bit when by all accounts you had been led to believe you were staying on breakfast permanently. Anyway, I’m sure he’s mature enough to get over it in time. I’m afraid I can’t answer why he’s splitting his time between 2HD and 2SM, I’m only repeating what he said on air the other morning to a caller who asked which studio he was broadasting from. For what it’s worth he also said he went to 2SM on Monday for reasons not stated.

Putting Marcus on breakfast suggests they are after a slightly different set of listeners to those that have traditionally listened to Grant and Dave in that slot. Most of their callers wouldn’t last 30 seconds on air with Marcus! The show certainly has a harder news edge to it compared to what went before.


Whilst it hurts for Dave, I think we all admin Marcus has been a great recruit. Best since Leon Delaney left.

I just disagree with making the poor bloke fill in for Laws as well when he’s away.

Surely there is more talent they could recruit.

What’s Stephen Cenatiempo up to since departing SCA?


Oh yes absolutely a great appointment. I wasn’t seeking to argue otherwise, I was merely putting “the case for Dave’s defence!” Marcus is re-energising the slot and maybe will bring in a broader demographic of listeners.


I’ve seen someone post that 2SM will be in the July release survey 4 for Sydney. I’m not sure if they’re trying to be funny and get in early on April 1.


Regardless of whether or not 2SM are going to enter the surveys, do we even know if Survey #2 will go ahead?


Why wouldn’t it? The television ratings are continuing.


It’s mostly conducted online these days AFAIK. Can’t see why it wouldn’t continue. And the industry would be keen to see its performance at a time that listening would be on the increase


Some strong new production popping up on 2SM.

And they’ve brought back “Sydney Moves with 2SM.”


Good for 2SM standards during the Caralis era.

Wrong grab for Laws, “Hello world, what’s on your mind Australia” is his signature.

Where is Laws? Heard another double shift from Marcus Paul earlier in the week.


Not sure if this should be here or the 2GB thread, but the next Sydney ratings should be interesting, with 2SM being included (which I believe to be true, not just a rumour).

I’m hearing around, that quite a few listeners are leaving 2GB breakfast since AJ left & Fordham’s taken over, & a lot of them are changing to 2SM breakfast.

Probably not surprising considering the difference of the 2, & that Fordham is probably 2GB’s weakest link, so not sure why they put him on Breakfast.

As much as 9 Ent. dislikes AJ, he made a lot of money for the station, & bought a lot of listeners to the station.

Just my thoughts, that while he had to give something up, I think he probably felt pushed & treated poorly by 9, so he threw the radio towel in & stayed on TV at Sky News, had 9 given him more support, that situation could’ve been reversed?

I’m sure Bill will be very happy to pickup listeners on 2SM, & Lawsy might even pickup more who stay on after Breakfast?

Hadley probably won’t be happy if he doesn’t have the big lead in numbers, & if the ratings are diluted enough, 2GB might lose the Sydney No.1 station position, with one of the FM’s taking the spot?


Agree @RFBurns.

Producers of SM bfast and Laws are the best indicator, if there’s been an uptick in talkback calls, good chance audiences are increasing.

As would sales, if they’ve been getting more enquiries, direct clients are looking for options.


Is that a rumour? Where’d you hear/read it that SM are returning to the ratings?

I’m sure it was discussed here somewhere earlier in the year, they were going to be included in survey 3 I think.
I’ve also seen Marcus Paul the 2SM breakfast host post it on Facebook previously, after the rumour surfaced.


Yes, @portmacman posted about it.

2SM’s Brent Bultitude has been the victim of an ‘India’ style prank this afternoon.


Good, usually a sign that the programming is so poor that the audience is getting bored, and is having some “mocking” fun at the stations expense, perhaps time to bring 2SM back to how it was 30 years ago Mr Bill.

I’d go with smooth picking that spot, talk back is to saturated (ABC Sydney / 2GB / 2SM), top 40 is too concentrated, (Nova, 2Day, Kiis, and Edge), Smooth seems to be the only station that plays light pop, and with Alan Jones gone, I’ll put my bets that much of that audience would be to fragmented to give any talk back station a commanding lead.


Sad but true. Let’s face it, would many ex-Jones listeners actually know that Marcus Paul is now on 2SM Breakfast? Heck, they’d probably switch to 2CH or WSFM before rediscovering 2SM (which is sad and annoying IMO).


Marcus Paul, no offence too, has the appeal of dry wall.

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It doesn’t help that 2SM seems to have an external advertising budget of about $7.50 (yes I know ads in The Daily Telegraph cost considerably more, but the quality of those is on-par with a dodgy personal)! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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