2022 Federal Election - Media Coverage

Unfortunately, as expected, these debates are as much a promotional tool for the networks as anything that will contribute to the campaign and help voters decide.

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I tend to disagree. There will be very few people that tune in. However, highlights and lowlights will be played on Breakfast TV and Nightly News for two days. Candidates will be eager to avoid any stuff ups and will want to get some quality lines in that will be replayed all day the next day.

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Schedules for the night as advised so far.


5:00pm ABC News: Australia Votes
6:00pm Australia Votes: Election Night Live - Polls Close
7:00pm Australia Votes: Election Night Live
9:30pm Australia Votes: Election Results Live
12:00am Barons

South Australia, Northern Territory
4:30pm ABC News: Australia Votes
5:30pm Australia Votes: Election Night Live - Polls Close
6:30pm Australia Votes: Election Night Live
9:00pm Australia Votes: Election Results Live
11:30pm Barons

Western Australia
3:00pm ABC News: Australia Votes
4:00pm Australia Votes: Election Night Live - Polls Close
5:00pm Australia Votes: Election Night Live
7:30pm Australia Votes: Election Results Live
10:00pm Barons

Sydney, Melbourne
05:00 PM Seven News At 5
05:30 PM TBA
06:00 PM Seven News
07:00 PM Australia Decides: Your Vote 2022
11:00 PM Movie: The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 (2009)

05:00 PM Seven News At 5
05:30 PM Creek To Coast
06:00 PM Seven News
07:00 PM Australia Decides: Your Vote 2022
11:00 PM Movie: The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 (2009)

05:00 PM Seven News Adelaide
05:30 PM Discover With RAA Travel S01 E04
06:00 PM Seven News
07:00 PM Australia Decides: Your Vote 2022
10:30 PM Movie: The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 (2009)


05:00 PM Seven News
05:30 PM 4WD & Adventure Show
06:00 PM Seven News
07:00 PM Australia Decides: Your Vote 2022
09:00 PM Movie: The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 (2009)

Note there is a 4pm TBA currently

04:00 pm Nine Afternoon News Election Special
05:00 pm Election 2022: Australia Decides - Polls Close
06:00 pm Nine News
07:00 pm Election 2022: Australia Decides - Election Night Live
10:00 pm Election 2022: Australia Decides - Analysis
11:00 pm Movie: Truth (2015)

Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane
05:00 pm 10 News First
06:00 pm 10 News First: Your Decision
11:00 pm TBA

04:30 pm 10 News First Rpt
05:30 pm 10 News First: Your Decision
10:30 pm TBA

03:00 pm 10 News First
04:00 pm 10 News First: Your Decision
09:00 pm TBA


Why is Ten even bothering? Aren’t they usually the network that provides an alternative on election night?

It’ll be interesting to see if it rates higher than soccer.


Perhaps they think that these days multichannels act as the alternative.


Nothing from SBS this time, it would of been a good opportunity to launch World Watch and done coverage in Arabic or Mandarin.

It won’t rate and will finish 5th but still good they’re doing it. They did it last time and it was pretty good quality coverage. They have good hosts and a good studio for it so at least they’re doing it.

There’s alternatives on multi channels. No one watches 10 on Saturday so they might as well do 4 hours of Australian content.

It rated very poorly last time but it was better than what seven and nine dished up. No one can really compete with ABC.


is there no A-League on election night or has that been bumped to a multi channel?

Are you sure they’re not doing this anyway, but only as a live stream?

The second leg of the 1st Semi-final.

Last time was a late bulletin. Perhaps they’ve pumped the resources to other foreign bulletins and worldwagch channel.

so is Ten not covering that in favour of the election coverage?

The A-League coverage starts at 4:30 pm AEST running to 7:30 pm and is shown on 10 Bold. So it would not have worked being on the main channel anyway unless the news was bumped to another time.


It will probably be on Bold.

News events take precedence.


I would say there is cause in the current A league contract that major news events take precedence over Soccer on the main channel.

Like others, I’m not sure why 10 is broadcasting election coverage when they do very little throughout the year in news.

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Almost forgot one

06:00PM Australia Decides: Live election coverage



That is how you present a debate. With actual presentation.

Very slick from 9

Only thing that doesn’t seem to be working are the questions via the QR code. I see nothing,


QR code on screen + website available to submit questions and to vote on outcome.

“We want you to have your say. During the night we will pose a series of questions below which you can answer via the QR code on screen or in this article. We will reveal the answers to the polling questions at the end of The Great Debate.”

Vote here

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