Viewer Access Satellite Television (VAST)

Vast Regional News has updated its channel listing :slight_smile:


Has anyone got older comparisons available?

Maybe scroll up and check :point_up_2:t3:

That’s the first time I’ve seen an SCA 10 logo like that.

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I would have thought they go the route of WIN with there 10 logo.

This seems to have spread out some of the bulletins (to a max of two per channel)?

Out of interest, do Prime 7 only show their 6pm bulletins or do they show the 6:30pm bulletin too?

They only show their 6pm local bulletins and the noodle updates


From what I remember of Prime7 News at 6.30pm, VAST viewers aren’t missing out on much by not receiving that bulletin. It’s basically just a condensed and Prime7-ised version of Seven News Sydney.


So the new statewide WIN News bulletins are more of a Nine Local News/NBN News local window style then? Surprised even VAST weren’t aware of that format initially.

Glad they got rid of the third bulletin on a few of those channels though.


The scenic loop (when the news stops airing/closes for the night) has also been updated


About time!

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Well overdue, I say!

I kinda miss the old scenic loops on the regional HD channels - as I don’t mind a bit of slow TV.

Wonder if the updated loops will pop up on YouTube or somewhere?

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Does prime 7 or win broadcast in high definition anywhere on vast. If so which location . I want to select the location on my travellers certificate where it’s in high definition. Same with WIN. Preferably a regional nsw location.

9HD and 10 HD are the only primary commercial channels in HD on VAST and they are for viewers registered with a WA location.

Remote NSW stations 7 Central, Imparja and 10 Central still only output 7mate, 9Gem and 10 BOLD in HD respectively. No Prime7 or 9 (WIN) in Remote NSW at all, HD or otherwise.


Except Cobar, where both Prime7 and 7 Central are on terrestrial as an overlap town. No WIN or 10 SCA in Cobar though.


I wish vast had the function of for example if you put in wagga wagga or Albury it airs the channel prime 7 wagga or prime 7 albury and win, instead of just imparja , I know there are regional special channels for just the bulletins, but I would like the actual prime 7 channel to be on vast. Not just 7 imparja and 10.

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Imparja is my favourite vast channel, do they still do the tonight on imparja channel line up graphics?

It’s been a couple of years at least since they’ve done lineups or program promos of their own.


I doubt there would be enough satellite capacity to carry ALL the various regional variations of Prime7, 9-WIN and 10-SCA