He’s taking up a job in PR
Who is Tom?
Try Google.
If I cared enough I would google. I just hadn’t seen his name or pic before in here so thought… I don’t know, perhaps in a discussion forum people might be able to discuss who he is, if they knew.
He hosts a podcast on Listnr I think.
So difficult to google a name. Much easier to whinge on a forum, isnt it?
Who’s whinging? I asked a question. Which was met with an unwarranted response to which I responded.
Honestly the tone of this forum sometimes.
I know. Why would you even bother?
But just for the record, Tom Tilley has been discussed on this forum, a lot.
Just last week, somebody else was having a similar reaction when he appeared on Studio 10. He was also often discussed when he made numerous appearances on The Project and he has been on The Drum a few times.
Instead of googling a name you want a poster here to explain to you who he is? Really?
Monday 20 June- Special Edition from on the Gold Coast.
Belinda Russell is hosting with David today.
Tuesday 28 June -
Richard Wilkins is hosting with Sylvia today.
Today Extra has been very competitive this week. On Tuesday it tied with The Morning Show and on Wednesday it was less than 1,000 behind while it won the last half hour.
Monday 11 July -
Tom Tilley is hosting with Sylvia this week, David is on holidays.
TMS is quite stale these days, not to mention the fact that visually it looks like they’re broadcasting from a dungeon with all their dark lights and graphics. Kylie and Larry seem to never be hosting either.
Not surprising that Today Extra got a win.
Wrong hosts, wrong set