Monday 18 April -
Richard Wilkins is hosting with Sylvia who is back after 7 days in isolation.
Kate Creedon is presenting news updates this morning.
Monday 18 April -
Richard Wilkins is hosting with Sylvia who is back after 7 days in isolation.
Kate Creedon is presenting news updates this morning.
Friday, 22nd April
No ad break for Today Extra. Went straight in into the opener
What’s the greenscreen used for?
Most likely 60 Minutes.
Monday 25 April -
90 minute Public holiday edition
Brooke Boney is hosting with David this week.
Morning show ratings were way up yesterday for all three shows. Today Extra was way in front though with one of its highest ratings for the year and 20k ahead of TMS.
Friday 6 May -
Belinda Russell is hosting with David this morning, Sylvia is away sick.
Does Sylvia still do four days a week and Belinda host on Fridays?
No she’s back to full time. They said she was unwell Friday.
Sylvia returned to 5 days a week at the start of this year.
Monday 9 May -
Belinda Russell hosted with David.
Richard Wilkins is hosting with Sylvia this week.
The thing standing out for me is “Today have”, considering “Today” is one entity?
The sentence doesn’t make sense, that is all.
What doesn’t make sense to you?
See my original post, says it all.