Ticker News

So they’ve removed the ticker? The larger strap definitely looks better, would be quite big if you’re watching on a tv however.


and the times have gone too. The old supers were hideous.


actually looks like it is still there but just wasn’t on their twitter clip which the above screenshot is from

they’re currently running an old show with the old supers lol


That set looks quite good in those caps, still can’t get over how awkward the shape and heights of that desk. It’s really jarring having people so far apart and at different heights.


It’s pretty basic and yuck if you ask me. Another thing that didn’t live up to the hype.


If they’re selling their services to clients, they really should be providing detail to back up their claims. The fact that they’ve had to pivot what they do so many times makes me think they’re still looking for a sustainable model.

Isn’t that just business, and television, in general?

Ticker is still around, and seems to be servicing enough viewers across multiple platforms to be sustainable for Ahron or its investors.

This constant speculation is tiring.

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TV has OzTam, most businesses still provide proof of reach, audience or sales. Simply being available is proof of none.

A forum is a place for discussion. I, and it seems others, feel its a fair discussion with some valid questions. And what ends speculation is data. For which there is none.

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I am sure that clients and investors are being equipped with analytics but Ticker is not answerable to us and does not owe us anything.



And who said they aren’t providing this data? Just because it’s not publically being provided doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, curious to know what other streaming companies also make this data readily available :thinking:


Bloody hell, bite their head off a bit more, why don’t you?! I think the mods had better put up a new rule: don’t question Ticker News. Bit disappointing for what is supposedly a discussion forum.

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A bit more? I was the first person to respond to that poster, I didn’t bite anyone’s head off and feel like it was a pretty leveled reply.

I think most would agree the constant speculation about Ticker’s strategy / financial profitability / audience is tiring and doesn’t form part of any real discussion when the majority of people aren’t the target audience and don’t have any insight into the Ticker business.

There’s a reason Ahron no longer frequents or posts in this thread either.

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Most of them release subscriber data: https://www.telsyte.com.au/announcements/2023/8/28/australias-subscription-entertainment-market-growth-eases-but-remains-vital

And BVOD is now measured by OzTam, but they regularly include data in their press releases as well.

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Well I thought it came across as a bit pompous, but maybe I’m taking it the wrong way. I just don’t think berating someone for not thinking the way you do is helpful. Just ignore it and it’ll fizzle away.

now i’m imagining an alt reality where 100x more powerful mods are summoning Ticker to a Media Spy Senate inquiry


SBS journo Naveen Razik: “This Ticker News piece has numerous factual errors, consistent with a large language model that’s scraped its phrasing from old news stories. No idea if the use of AI is widespread across this website.”


Article in question:


Journalist Andrew Macfarlane, formerly of 1 News and I believe freelancing for 9 News currently just replied to the tweet with this:

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So are they the worst airlines and we should avoid them, or the airlines you just can’t ignore?


Oh dear. Even without an AI checker, the story clearly reads as something written by AI.


Yeah a bad read. Not sure why you’d even bother setting it up.