The Project

Bailey shouldn’t talk. He was the most arrogant and egotistical person in that place.


Bit of a nothing story, Tim Bailey is irrelevant now and probably can be categorized as just a disgruntled ex employee.

Lots of people liked Peter Ford’s childish tweet, 1228 to date. They included the very credible Ros Reines and Rita Panahi. I wouldn’t expect anything less…

Don’t see how Natalie Barr joined the pile on with her comments, it’s a topical news story and it’s a valid point.

Certainly the most qualified person to comment on such a topic.

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It’s about time people started telling Lisa off. She’s gotten a big head since being at 10.


Telling her off? She’s a grown woman who is very aware of how the media works and the impact of what she does. Ultimately, if there’s any recourse of what’s transpired following her Logies speech that will be up to her bosses and other deals she has.

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We might be now getting a better insight into reasons why he was let go.


Okay, maybe telling her off was the wrong phrase. Calling her out works better.

Chris Hemsworth will be at the desk next Monday evening, according to the watermark shown during MasterChef tonight.

Correct. To promote his movie, Thor Love and Thunder.

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I’d love to know the car park thief story though

I think this is the difference between commenting and expressing an opinion in a dignified manner (like Nat did) versus those like Rita Panahi who used this as an excuse to join in the Lisa and 10 bashing.

It’s a valid discussion but the anti-Project brigade and nutters on Sky and News Corp always want to have their little say about things that they’re not even involved in.


Statement from Network 10, also suggesting there was legal engagement:

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Georgie Tunny hosting tonight in place of Lisa Wilkinson.

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She needs to disappear for a few months way too toxic at the moment.

Internally I doubt it’s much better.


Yeah she’s definitely blurred the line of the journalist by not just reporting the story but becoming involved in the story.


“The best and most widely heard entertainment reporter in Australia & NZ”

I have literally never heard of him in NZ.


Aka nothing significant since it’s from Peter ‘knows nothing’ Ford.


She needs to disappear forever. Her ego has gotten WAY too big. Prejudicing an upcoming trial, FFS… you’d think someone who has worked as a journo for decades would know better. Anyway, there are easily a dozen female hosts who could do the job just as well (if not better) than Lisa.