The Project (2015-Sept 2020)

Totally agree. It was prerecorded so they knew how long it went for, I guess.


Friday -
Gorgi co-hosting with Waleed, Dave Thornton and Merrick Watts.

Sunday -
Lisa’s interview with Jon Bon Jovi.


I wonder when Lisa Wilkinson, The Project and Network Ten are going to stop lying about Wilkinson’s “exclusive” interviews?

Calm down. It may have been an exclusive interview when he originally granted it. He may have chosen to give the interview to the ABC later because he is passionate of the Invictus Games.


Well then it’s not an exclusive interview. It’s only an exclusive if the subject has agreed not to talk to anybody else which clearly isn’t the case here.

It probably was an exclusive originally. Then he changed his mind while here and granted the second interview to ABC.

Depends on how narrowly that’s defined. Maybe Lisa was allowed to cover a topic with Beckham that the ABC won’t get. I know, splitting hairs, but if they can use the word, they’ll use it. Not to their benefit sometimes.


Meanwhile on the ABC.

See his exclusive interview tonight

Kinda obvious that Ten was his only sit-down (which would be a few days old) whilst the ABC has the only footage of him at the Invictus Games (from today).




Sunday -
Sarah Harris joining Hamish, Lisa and Tommy.


Sarah must really love The Project or working with that lot (or trying to impress new bosses?) to commit to more TV when she already does 5 days a week of 3.5 hours of live television and is a busy Mum of 2 young kids. Credit to her nonetheless.

she usually has at least one day off Studio 10 when she knows she will be on The Project but sometimes she gets called up last minute to replace someone.

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Lol she works about a third of the hours average mothers her age work and gets paid probably 5x as much. I’m sure she will survive.


But as I’m sure any high profile TV presenter will tell you, their work is a lot more than what you just see on screen!

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Of course. However, hardly ‘credit to her nonetheless ”worthy. She’s reading a teleprompter, not saving lives.

Wednesday -
Hamish Macdonald filling in for Waleed.


Tommy Little is filling in for Peter Helliar tonight.


When I saw The Project live earlier in the year I purposely went on a Monday when the four regulars were on - Carrie Bickmore, Waleed Aly, Peter Helliar and Steve Price. They are the best team I think. When some of the others are on it can fall flat, especially some of the comedians who sit in for Helliar.

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