Variety has rated The Newsreader as its fourth best international TV show of 2021, with Squid Game at the top.
I’d love a second season of the show. Been rewatching the show over the last few weeks.
Be interesting to see the fallout from Geoff’s sacking as well as the relationship dynamics of Dale and Helen.
Entertainment One (eOne) said on Wednesday that it has licensed the show to more than 80 territories, including to NBCUniversal International Networks & DTC for Latin America, RTE for Ireland, Now TV in Hong Kong, Telus in Canada, Cosmo in Spain, and Filmin, which took first window rights in Portugal and second window in Spain.
Have they even announced a second season yet?
No but they better soon!
The producers have said that, at this stage, they are thinking about how they might do a second season. The first season was tied in with a lot of big events happening in one year: 1986. They want to make sure the next season will be just as big.
1988 could be a good year to set it, the bicentenary, Royal visits, expo, Walsh St murders, other hot issues were immigration, uranium mining, Liberals proposed a consumption tax (forerunner to the gst), Evil Angels released (tie in to series 1), perestroika begins, iron curtain begins to fall, numerous airline incidents all with a bit of time for the characters to have devoted since season 1.
I was thinking the same thing. The may choose to skip a year and pick up the action in the following year with the characters having experienced changes in their lives in the previous year.
Details for the NZ broadcast.
A second season is on the way Let’s party like its 1987.
Fanstastic news, quutr a few events locally in 1987- Double dissolution over the Australia Card, Joh for Canberra campaign (what’s Gerry Connolly up to?), Kennett and Peacodk’s car phone call, Hoddle St Massacre. Queen St Massacre, Cricket World Cup win, America’s Cup in Perth and media ownership changes to name but a few possible stories.
Quite a few things there. I reckon that they’ll cover a good chunk of that in the second season.
One major multi-day world story covered live in the news that year was the Loma Prieta Earthquake in San Francisco and for something a bit different there was the Voyager flyby of Neptune. The release of the Fitzgerald report also saw news and current affairs reporters travelling to Brisbane.
Any idea when the second session will be shown? I’m assuming 2023 at this stage?
awesome news
look forward to it.
It will be interesting to see if they cover the potential ownership changes of TV stations in this season. Of course all networks underwent drastic management changes in 1987.