The Chase Australia

Next 2 Fridays are also repeats.

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How is everyone finding Larry? Whilst sometimes I thought AOK was too over the top, Larry seems to be very lacking energy for want of a better word. Very subdued.

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How is it rating compared to AOK eps?

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Mark The Beast is ready to return to Australia once caps lift / more lockdown restrictions ease and scheduling permits.

Also assuming it’s before the end of this year or early next year (and also depends if Chase USA gets renewed for Season 3 Winter - meaning he + USA chasers are required back in the studio before the end of this year)


Nice to see The Beast getting involved in the Nine v Seven war, despite being on the other side of the world!


He’d hate to see the 3PM result then.


What’s going on at 3? People like that stupid arcade game? Next they’ll bring in Tennable, an even worse game.

Tipping Point has been killing The Chase recently. The lead in has helped Nine’s Afternoon News as well.


The bit of Tipping Point I saw recently didn’t do much for me.

But as a programming format, is it really any worse than Deal Or No Deal? Australian TV viewers rather liked that one for years despite being even less visually interesting (“Guess the amount of money in the briefcases!” was pretty much the entire premise of DOND) than Tipping Point.

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DoND was a guessing game but much of the format relied on Andrew O’Keefe being a great in his feet comic/talent.


At least it’s not ‘Pointless’… A certain ‘boss’ of his in the UK would be livid if he heard the news over there :wink:


The Chase Australia seems to be back to 5 new episodes each week.


Issa the ‘Super Nerd’ had just confirmed he alongside Cheryl ‘Tiger Mum’ and others are back in the studio for filming. Larry has also been away from The Morning Show as well.


Well done… I didn’t get that one but I was happy with my result for the others. There’s been some good battles lately which has been good.

While I think I still prefer AOK’s style, now that it’s been a little while I’m quite happy with Larry’s presentation now and I’ve become used to his quieter nature with it.


I know of asked this before, but did AOK make such a big thing of the contestants being ‘my team’. It seems it comes out of Larry’s mouth every sentence.

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Don’t think he did as often. He was too busy being swallowed up in his own antics.

It’s quite a common feature on the British version with Bradley Walsh often referring to the team as ‘my team’.


Oh I was going to ask about the British version! Thanks for that.

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The first Chase Australia episode that was filmed since restrictions started easing was aired yesturday. This would’ve only been filmed 3 weeks or so ago.

It seems they have not re-applied the social-distancing layout, but reprogrammed the led-floor back to the original ‘block design’, only changing colours to entirely blue whenever a contestant gets back or changing to red when a contestant gets caught.


Like others, I’m not really warming to Larry in The Chase. He puts on this really weird voice sometimes which sounds unnatural.

Dare I say, Kochie would’ve been a better choice!! At least he has some authority.

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