The Chase Australia

I’m sure they can run the new eps later in place of repeats for WA.

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Which they will do. Plus they’re on 7Plus.

The Chase Australia filming for S13 has began. Anne and Mara has flown into Sydney for filming from the UK and USA respectively. The later just finished up her work/study stint (non-Chase related) overseas.


5 Chasers into the one room during a post-filming session. Absent are Mara (already flew out of the country after filming) and Mark (didn’t attend - busy with other commitments in the UK)

Tonight at the logies in Sydney.


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Is it just me or is Larry not suited to this show? I reckon Kylie would have been a better fit.

Larry is a bit odd. Specifically his ‘my team’ comments.

Andrew used to say that every episode. It’s not exclusive to Larry.


Well isn’t that interesting.

I just want to publicly thank the crew of the chase, and in particular one producer (who I won’t name publicly) and Mara Lejins.

As some of you may know my 8 year old is currently battling paediatric cancer. One of her favourite shows to watch is the chase and when she’s in the hospital it’s a must watch.

I sent them an email asking if we could get a get well message from Mara as she’s my daughters fav chaser. Not only did they do this, they had Mara ask some trivia questions about her favourite things.

This has been a great pick me up for her and she’s been showing all the nurses at the hospital her special video.


That’s very special. How lovely.


Mara Lejins (The Smiling Assassin) is no longer a guest chaser

Does it mean she’s a permanent member or has she left the show?


According to who? She did appear on this afternoon’s episode.


She had a pre-intro sequence in today’s episode. Confirming the ‘promotion’.

Issa also confirms that the intro is cut back to 5 of the 7 chasers to save time. The ‘Chaser of the Day’ will feature in the pre-game intro for episodes from Season 13 onwards.

Likely that Issa, Bryce and Matt will feature in most (if not all) intros as they film the bulk of the episodes. All others have full-time jobs in the legal profession or are based elsewhere (e.g the UK).


thats a relief. i didn’t want to tell miss 8 her fav chaser is gone

I never got this “Guest Chaser” nonsense with Tiger Mum either.

TBH now they’ve got 5 of their own they should probably drop the UK Chasers - if anything they should be the “guest Chasers”.

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Seven could even experiment using celebrities as “guest” chasers. I think that could make things more interesting

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Would that work though? They’d need to have some sort of high intelligence for that to work.

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