Thank God You’re Here (2023)

That’s the only one and is currently being filmed.

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I think TVT got their wires mixed a little with that and quickly corrected it, if I remember correctly.


I know Masked & Bachelor didn’t air last year, I was just commenting on the trend that they are axing more shows than they are replacing and stringing the shows that they do air in a more threadbare manner. Like repeats of Deal in primetime and wearing the poor ratings for the cheaper filler.

Announcing more shows? So. They needed more shows than 9 or 7 because the network is tanking and they need hits. Masterchef has declined considerably and for the cost of production Celeb is middling. Despite all the new shows they announced they are still programming far less than they used to.

I very much doubt 10 is going to announce a massive new format in the middle of the year to air in the back half of 2025. Very wishful thinking considering they seem to change their mind as often as people change their underwear.

I was specifically talking about 10’s back half, later back half really. I never said they didn’t have content for the first three quarters. Most of those shows you did name will have limited runs 8 to 10 episodes at best and will probably air in the middle of the year. With the growing trend of Networks announcing shows to air in the year and then reneging its no guarantee they will even in 2025. Still waiting for Paper Dolls to air on 10 after 2 years.

Well yes it could be worse filler if Big Brother tanks or even does mediocre really given the exorbitant licensing fee, live feeds and the sheer undertaking of production costs. It would be a very costly money waster on a tired and done to death format.

How can you make an accurate comparison considering the ratings change to VOZ? It’s coming last behind Married and Idol in everything, viewers and demos. I’m sure 10 were hoping for increased numbers moving it back to its tradational January slot but the ratings haven’t materialised.

Umm because it doesn’t rate very well. It’s one of those shows 10 insist on keeping despite it dragging the network down.

Shark Tank has probably been quietly axed as well.

It has but I think you forget how much airtime big brother is going to consume. And although thank god you’re here isn’t coming back it has technically been replaced by talking about your Gen. big brother will go for roughly 12 weeks and be on 6 nights a week. hunted and dessert masters were on air about 6 weeks each.

So you’re harping on about them needing more shows, I point out they announced/commissioned more new shows than any other commerical which should put a dent in filling in what they’re not returning, but it’s a moot point apparently cause more more more. Gotcha

Which is why they cut back on the episode count, are mixing it up with themed versions, tried a spin-off etc. As long as it doesn’t drop too much further and still sells well overseas, they’ll keep pumping it out. Not bad for a series that’s been on-air for 16 years, sometimes with more than one version a year.

Not mutually exclusive to 10, the number of shows being put out by the other networks is dwindling too with only sport and news are really saving them at this point - bar the odd hit like MAFS. No drama on Nine this year (where’s the outrage about that?), Seven producing very few 8:30pm shows, axing late news etc.

Agreed, I don’t really think they’ll have many slots to fill across the year based on what they’ve announced so far and I doubt that’s the last of it. Sure they might not announce a big name commission mid-year (we’re only just in February, there is time) to fill any other slots but I don’t think they’ll be worse off with the amount of content this year than any of the last few years.

Ya’ll want 10/Paramount to keep investing, but who’s paying for this? Sure they make some dumb decisions (they all do, Made in Bondi?) and have probably kept some franchises around longer than they should have, but seems they’re trying to be fiscally responsible with spending given the current climate.

Anyway, we’re very off topic here now so probably best to get this thread back on track - not that there is much to discuss now that the show is definitely not returning this year.

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Genuinely curious, how much airtime is it going to consume,? We get live nominations and evictions so that will probably a two hour episode each per week or however its structured but with streaming 24/7 the daily episodes can’t be that long as we’ve seen on 7 even with a challenge an episode that long, 90 minutes about, struggles in the ratings and that was on 7 with a higher viewership.

Can I ask where you got the details about how long Big Brother is going to air and how many nights. I tried looking but couldn’t find anything.

They have commissioned so many new shows as they have been cutting back on programming for years and have no option but to commission so many new shows as their make do filler content is sinking the network. They need to get back onto parity. Got it yet?

Wasting millions on Big Brother when it’s had so many iterations and hasn’t been sustainable on larger networks with a higher viewership and been passed around around every commercial network is not very fiscally responsible. Just saying.

I’m not talking about 7 or 9’s output in this thread but the points you’ve raised I’ve already discussed elsewhere.

Everybody knows they need more content, heck I’m sure they’re acutely aware of it too when they’re plugging holes with umpeeth repeats of The Dog House but with what money and dwindling advertising revenue? You sound like you’d be great running a network :joy:

Without knowing the ins & outs, I’d say it’s absolutely a risk for them to be returning it and one that could absolutely tank or pay off handsomely for them, but for the investment vs amount of cross platform content / airtime / engagement etc they’ll get out of it they’ve probably found a way to make it work.

But hey, no different to Seven wasting millions on absolute crap like Stranded on Honeymoon Island, Dream Home, Million Dollar Island, picking up Ultime Escape only to scrap it, Made in Bondi, Blow Up, Holey Moley, Fam Time… the list goes on.

Don’t get me started on Nine.

I don’t work at 10 and have often got this sort of stuff wrong. But I would assume 10 would do 1 hour daily shows 7:30-8:30 7:00-8:00 on sundays. An eviction show would be another hour, nominations another hour. So that would be 8 hours just there. I would assume 10 would do an adults only show as well.

Well I certainly wouldn’t be making the same mistake over and over and then crying about where all the viewers have gone and as a result there is dwindling advertising revenue.

Why are you getting so cut up about 10? You seem to be taking any criticism very personally. Do you work at 10?

You keep bringing up 7 & 9 but the reality is they are in a far better better position than 10 is despite their numerous faults and idiotic decisions. 10 don’t have the luxury of wasting even more millions given their ranking and external forces over the merger deal.

7 and 9 are also in a position to bounce back, sadly I think the ship has sailed on 10 due to decades of chasing a narrow demo, persisting with poor shows and now they have a damaged brand.

I agree, they would probably have to program it that way if there is any shot of making money. 30 minute daily shows wouldn’t cut it and would leave too much empty space.

I really can’t see that format lasting 12 weeks though. Even 6 weeks would feel like a marathon. There’s also generally less viewers in Q4 plus it has The Block to contend with.

Again, not mutually exclusive to any one network, they’re all to blame with relying too heavily on bloated realties to fill their schedule, but not sure I’ve seen anyone crying over it?

Lol nope, I’m just offering a counter view which seems a bit more realistic of the situation and like Turdall, was responding to how their content pipeline looks for 2025. I’m equally as critical of 10 as the other networks so there’s no favoritism there.

None of them have the luxury of wasting time, but I wouldn’t say Seven and Nine are in that much of a better position if we’re talking about outlook, Seven without a paid streaming service in 2025 which we all know is the future and Nine’s rising debts and consolidation.

They both also arguably have more at risk here with big overspending on sports rights and have not been immune to cost cutting and redundancies amid this advertising downturn.

Anyway, happy to leave it there and get things back on track.

Figure of speech and they certainly are crying poverty on commissioning drama for FTA.

I only made that comment because you seemed to deflect onto 7 or 9 an awful lot.

I would. With FTA shrinking 10 is just biding time. Even if they have Skydance backing they aren’t going to invest in 10 the way it needs and in this climate is it worth it? The market is contracting, probably is never going to be back to the way things were and 10 can only be a CBS shill service for so long before it becomes unprofitable.

7 is screwed when it comes to streaming, 7+ is not going to cut it but they have a greater brand awareness, higher viewership and would be easy to find backing or a seller similar to 10. I think they’ll be fine, especially if they can keep making shows that rate well.

9 has Stan which automatically makes them in a better position and yes they have debts but I doubt it’s anything they can’t restructure or come back from.

As for their exposed risk I’m sure the government will bail them out just like it did by decimating the quotas on drama and kids tv and reducing the licensing fee.

7 and 9 are certainly cutting back but they are starting from a higher position than when 10 had to and have a long way to fall before or if they reach the level 10 is sitting at.

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Perhaps TGYH was a casualty of ten having to pay more for gogglebox this year. Had to save somewhere???

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I’d prefer TGYH over Gogglebox though.

Working Dog clearly didn’t want to do it this year, and 10 aren’t going to start going to war with them. It’ll be back next year, no doubt.


Great call. I think some posters forget 10 are struggling financially and would rather believe puff PR pieces about production companies being too overworked to produce a largely improv show.