Ten On-Air Presentation

From tonight


I still find this weird from TEN. Why they felt it was needed to have the logo again on the LHS when its on the right is beyond me and looks messy.

That strap should just appear like the others, the numeric 10 logo appears then the watermark goes solid then the strap appears on the LHS etc.

A good idea IMO would be if the multichannel side on the right for coming up next flipped between ELEVEN & ONE while TEN stayed solid the duration it was on screen.


Its very sad when The Project needs to sponsor your 9:30 content. I’m assuming it normally would sponsor CSI Cyber not Shark Tank. Obviously CSI Cyber hasn’t been making much money for 10.


I think you can look at it two ways. One as a promotional tool for the show or what you said that it might not be making much money for Ten. I think CSI: Cyber is likely to get the chop.

I think its 100% the money thing. Advertisers wouldn’t want a bar of it.

I personally wasn’t too fond of Ten’s look back then myself and wouldn’t like it to make a comeback either.

While there are certainly a few elements about the look that could do with a tweak here and there, I don’t mind Channel Ten’s current On-Air Presentation package. One on the other hand…there’s a channel which desperately needs a relaunched On-Air Presentation package (and a clearer programing direction) IMO!


We must be nearly halfway through Masterchef now. I wonder when Ten are going to start running their promos for the next quarter schedule?

Shows like Australian Survivor and The Bachelor could start airing some promos now. The Bachelor just wrapped up filming last week so they must have some footage that they can air with sneak peaks etc.

Not sure what Ten’s 8:30 lineup will look at. I would assume Offspring will continue in to the third quarter. NCIS will probably continue in repeats. Have You Been Paying Attention will probably continue like it did last year. So it just leaves their Sunday and Thursday nights to fill up. I would assume Brook will go on Sundays for its short run.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Ten Network - Programs and Schedules

Um, they have been.

See date of my comment.

Ah, I’m still struggling with the phone skin of the board! Apologies.

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Not exactly “on-air” presentation, more like “online” presentation.

Saw these online this morning, not sure of relevant thread so this seemed like the best place


Really good big network promo just aired featuring the line up for the rest of the year.

What is Life Hack with Todd Sampson? Has this been announced elsewhere??

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I think this is the first time Life Hack is mentioned in any media, so well done to Ten for keeping it in secret for this long.

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Just saw it! Looks great :grinning:

First glimpses of The Bachelorette too…

Great promo and looks like they have some content. Life Hack will hhopeully fill the Gogglebox slot.

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TEN premiered their Survivor themed PRG’s tonight that included animated watermarks. Video also shows a Survivor pop-up and a (rare) station ident (sort of).


“Intensify” ads are showing in Sydney on Ten.

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I like the creativity in the animated logo that they’ve done for I’m a Celeb, Masterchef & now Survivor but having that pop up right in the middle of the screen is so frustrating. Whilst I’m sure most people would appreciate if they weren’t used/shown at all at least they could justify them to the left of screen like they do when they regularly appear with a strap.

Something else that annoys me is when they are being shown and the standard ten logo appears solid over the new watermark and the HD text is left there next to the wrong logo. There are also still timing issues with the HD appearing after the logo has gone transparent but it’s pretty minor in the scheme of things.