like how recent? His twitter account has Matthew Sadler posting tweets at WIN about a year ago
Perhaps we have different ideas on what “quite a long time” and “relatively recently” mean.
I would have guessed within the last year or so, but his tweets are probably a fairly good indication of his employment.
Lachlan Kennedy in Brisbane now on 2weeks leave, assume for all the overtime he clocked up over Christmas holidays.
or maybe he’s just taking 2 weeks off of leave.
Kimberley Soekov @KimberleySoekov “…reading Sydney news updates during the week. You might spot me on a couple of weekends next month” - which should mean Tarsh is taking a break.
Sarah’s due back on Studio 10 from Maternity leave after easter IIRC so thats likely
Stephen Quartermain presenting solo in Melbourne tonight.
He’s got the fucking dog in the studio again during the weather. Honestly, that is so unprofessional it is not funny.
Why someone hasn’t run over that wretched dog I will never know!
Well, it has been a rather drizzly day (at times anyway) here in Sydney today. We wouldn’t want the dog to get a cold, would we?
Of course I completely agree that Tim Bailey’s style of weather presentation is often unprofessional, but what’s new?
Isn’t that animal cruelty of what you just said
Geeeezzz he must have some very incriminating evidence on someone. How does he get away with this crap? Why’s Meakin allowing it?
Calm down. He didn’t actually do anything to an animal.
yes I know but I am referring to the last sentence
Ten News staff meeting, producer: “the ratings are down. Let’s get Timmy to bring in the pooch”.
Riminton’s eyes roll out of his head and bounce on the table while Sully claps with glee and Bailey does a jig.
Let’s see…
Expressing a comment in frustration? No.
Back to the topic at hand: how the hell can Ten take news broadcasting seriously - especially in the Sydney market - with having little more than someone trying to be amusing read the weather? Either management are spineless or clueless.
Quick multiple choice.
Which of the following best describes the ratings for the Friday bulletin for Ten Eyewitness News in Sydney?
a) Highest rated Ten Sydney bulletin this week
b) Highest rated Friday bulletin since November 2015
c) Highest rated Sydney bulletin of the 2016 survey
d) All of the above.
I’d take credibility over ratings any day, but maybe I have too much integrity.
Oh how I completely agree. As far as I’m aware, the Sydney market is one that generally prefers their weather forecasts presented straight and to the point. Of course there’s room for a little personality in the TV weather segments in every market including Sydney, but Tim Bailey takes it to a level where irrelevant topics too often make the actual forecast an afterthought.
As for TV Cynic’s questionnaire, I’m going to go with D!
@lexington is this correct for Good Friday?
"Comprehensive coverage of local, national and overseas news presented by Sandra Sully and Hugh Riminton. Includes sports presented by Matt Burke and the latest weather from Tim Bailey."
The pooch is a crowd pleaser!