I believe that’s in Melbourne.
Correct, ATV.
Looks like Studio 10 was not live today, as a result there was self-contained 10 News Updates at breaks during the program:
The bulletin is national tonight.
6:07pm and 10NEWS is showing USA stories of the corona virus. If 10 want people to turn to 10 at 6pm instead of 9/7 then it won’t work… you feel like you’re missing out on NSW news even though it may just show 1-3 stories after…
Don’t understand why they are short on content, I work in PR and have lots of non-commercial stories on new technology, innovations, science or announcements. 10 hardly respond compared to 7 + 9
Its a national bulletin today and the content seems pretty good given its a public holiday. Good to see new content and they’re on the ball in the 6pm half hour including breaking news about NSW Arts Minister resignation and PVO interview with the Deputy Chief Medical Officer.
People prefer the sequence of 7 / 9 at 6PM. Sorry 10, not working!
What 10 is trying to do is keep the audience it has gained across the 5-6pm hour still watching 10 after 6pm, rather than, as had been the case in the past, switching to Seven and Nine as soon as 6pm hits.
Based on the ratings numbers we have seen, especially since the start of the pandemic, the strategy looks to be working, with the 6pm half hour posting big increases and showing much better retention than had previously been the case.
What are you on about? You posts have been nonsensical in relation to this. Clearly there’s an agenda here.
10 are doing something different here for a 30 min half hour where 9 and 7 are starting their bulletin at 6.
Nevertheless yeh sought to improve its 6pm half hour fro the game show and they’ve grown the time slot in both total viewers and the demo with next to no cost.
No agenda.
If they want people to choose 10 at 6PM then its not the right formula.
It might be an increase compared to the game shows but under 400k isn’t competitive.
Only benefit is news is cheap to produce.
10 has its own objectives as the underdog network. If it’s looking to compete with next to a million viewers at 6, it’ll need money no media group has to spare at the moment - not even ViacomCBS.
If there’s an opportunity 10 if waiting for, it is certainly biding its time for it.
Not good.
They need to structure the font ey so 6pm works for new viewers too
I prefer to watch 30 minutes of news at 6, then the Project at 630. So 10 appeals to me. But if I feel I’m missing out on key content at 6 (as it’s aired at 5) I would start avoiding 10 at 6
Agree they need to structure 6pm content better so it works ALSO as a stand alone bulletin.
But, sorry 300-400k at 6pm is the MOST competitive 10 has been at 6 in a decade. By far. That IS a success.
And in 25-54 (which is the demo that all 3 networks sell as primary and make the most money off) the gap is much smaller. 10 news is by far the youngest skewing news of the 3, and in 25-54, 10 is at about half the viewers of 7 and 9, verses a third in total people.
Yes, it’s still a big gap. But 6pm On 10 has had a tortured history for 2 decades. It’s the most competitive they have been in a long long time. And getting people off 7 and 9 and closing the gap will
- Many many many more years
- A better product
- Marketing and promotion
For the time 10 has had at 6 (2 months) and the level of the product and the complete lack of any marketing efforts at all to sell the fact 10 has news at 6, I would say 10s ratings in context to all that are strong.
Corona promos
Those images have been over all the coverage for weeks. Do you actually see any of the media on tv?
My mistake, didn’t read the posts above properly and also don’t watch 10 News First frequently.
And yes, I do. If I didn’t I wouldn’t have much reason to be on MediaSpy.
What happened to the idea of a new Sydney-style desk for Melbourne?
I’m pretty sure it was proposed right after it launched in Sydney and when the Melbourne Cup was on.