Ten Network - Programs and Schedules

This is entirely different and you know it. Just another attempt at a “gotcha moment”.

These programs are aimed at a very specific audience and most of that audience have been watching for over 50 years. This audience mostly do not have the internet and are now too old to learn and understand the new world.

Gotta say I’m a little disappointed that you’ve attempted to twist and turn this into something more.

These shows are pivotal in the daily life of seniors and their routines. It had only been one day since The Young and Restless hadn’t been easily accessible to my 88 year old grandmother and she called me yesterday to see if there was any news on the situation.

It may seem like nothing to you and I but this change has been quite upsetting to her and her social group.

It’s not.

Yeah and I’m, along with their viewers, are allowed to express disappointment at how it’s been handled.

And it is different. These people aren’t young and tech savvy who can and have made the switch the streaming. It’s an entirely different world to them.

There are some programs that need to be available on terrestrial or pay tv stations for those people to be able to easily access them.

If 10 were able to do it then they would have done it already. It’s obviously a contractual thing which has delayed them. It doesn’t help that Ten is not providing the info on when they will be able to screen them on 10.

Not really. My 90 year old grandma used to watch neighbours…. It’s not really that much different.

Is it poor yes, but it may be a rights thing. We just need to see how it plays out.

Also… you do realise that your Grandma can watch them oh 9gem yes?
Was she watching it in Foxtel originally?

I don’t understand? Neighbours is still readily available on free to air multiple times a day. How’s this the same thing?

And albeit not same day as the US, she can watch it on 9gem. As I said above … was she watching it on Foxtel?

Yeah, Foxtel.

Why should she have to rewatch the episodes she’s already watched!?

All 10 need to do is communicate a rough period of when they’ll be available and I think that will settle some nerves.

Sorry to sound harsh but they owe your grandma nothing.

They likely cannot announce dates at this time. They aren’t doing it just to be mean… lol

Yes I get 9gem is behind. But in a few weeks I’m sure it’ll be on 10… once the days deal for broadcast is done.

Also be mindful there may be finances at play in this situation … new financial year and some very potential bad news at the network in the short term. Getting US soaps onto main channel may not be the priority right now.

I’m not saying they’re are deliberately being mean. I’m just expressing that there’s a little bit of stress being caused and both parties really should have ensured they left Foxtel on a Friday and started on 10 the following Monday.

Foxtel and 10 don’t need to do anything.
And in no way would they “work out a plan” for the audience. Both networks exist for profit of revenue and nothing more.

It may not be Ten’s fault. Foxtel may have had a contract that prevents Ten from doing that.


Sony and 10. Not Foxtel and 10.

I didn’t say it was?

Just some communication to ease some stress would be nice.

I think you’ll find the deal is part of the paramount ownership and not Sony.

As I alluded to above the next few weeks for Paramount are going to be rocky. I think they may have bigger things on their hands right now….

That’s fine and I appreciate that but it’s the 10 thread and people were commenting on it so I added my input. That’s all.

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I remember years ago when Seven had the rights to the first season of Friends, Nine had the rights to subsequent series and Nine had to wait until a certain point in time to start airing Friends.

I would say it’s a contractual clause. I’m wondering if Nine has been given a date to complete the series up til the end of their rights or whether it is until late 2024 and late 2025 respectively before Ten can air episodes


My mum and I have agreed to give it another few weeks and if they don’t appear on 10 that she will begin the process of assisting them to get the internet and an Apple TV and start teaching them slowly how to use it and mum has offered to stay and help them for a few nights in case any issues arise.

However, what’s the bet it’ll all be organised and installed and then 10 announce a date :joy:

Maybe you can ask David at TV Tonight to ask his contacts at Ten.

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I think it could be the case. FTA run could be exclusive to Nine for the duration of the contract.

Things always aren’t as simple as thought let alone complication free in the world of broadcast TV…
There’s weird quirks in contracts all the time