Supermarkets and Retail

And there are already apps out there that do this much better then everyday pay. WW tried this a few years ago by creating their own digital wallet app similar to the Google wallet and it failed. I’m not saying don’t have an everyday rewards card app this is fine. Tbh the point of trying to get people to by into an app that is just trying to compete with Google and android pay I really don’t see this working.

This discussion is confusing. The Rewards app does everything already.

You can use the Wallet tab to use Everyday Pay which is linked to your Gift Cards, Credit Card and Bank Account

The Activity tab shows eReceipts and Bonus Points. The Home section shows Dollars off next shop, didcount petrol vouchers availble and Boosters for bonus points when shopping.


This what I mean Woolies has two separate apps the WW rewards app and Everyday pay.

Do they? Everyday Pay is one of the tabs in the Woolies Rewards app?

Or are you referring to the Scan & Go functionality in the main Woolies app?

That’s not quite right. There is an Everyday Rewards app not a separate Everyday Pay app. The Everyday Rewards app has the Wallet and Activity tabs.

The Woolworths app is the one you use to look up products at the supermarket. You can link your rewards card to that app but you can’t use Everyday Pay through that. It has Lists, Products and Specials tabs.

Screenshot_20240202_212034_One UI Home

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Yeah, sorry I just checked. I’m not to sure what they’re doing with everyday then. Because they did have an app for it, but it appears to have disappeared. So are saying everyday pay is now via the rewards app?

I think you must be thinking of Scan & Go as @Bort suggested. I did have that app but only used it a couple of times, so deleted it. Wasn’t worth the effort. I can’t see it on Google Play now so they must have given up on that scheme.

I think it’s been like that for at least a year. I remember when I previously used it, I used the camera on the QR code, which sent you to a website to complete the action. Now it’s done within the Rewards app.

This is what it looks like when you open the Wallet tab in Everyday Rewards.

Oh, it’s been longer than that since I’ve used it lol. I’ve never had to use the Scan and go app. Now that you mention it though I did notice this has disappeared. So I would assume this is now done via the rewards app.

As a woolies employee, i can confirm that everyday pay is and always has been in the rewards app. I use it every day!


I usually use my phone to pay so when I shop at Woolworths I hardly ever use Everyday Pay as if you put your phone over the terminal it picks up your Everyday Rewards card but for me to use Every Day pay I would have to open the Everyday Rewards app. Sometimes if I haven’t used it for a while I’d have to login again when all I have to do is put my card over terminal again to pay. Much easier.

I stopped using Scan and Go when the system would flag something with each order requiring me to take out 5 items so they can be scanned by the attendant. This happened almost every time and it wasn’t any quicker so I gave up. Plus Scan and Go is still only available at very few stores. I think the principle of it makes sense but it is annoyingly implemented. I’d prefer the Amazon Go technology and I’d like to see it in Australia.

A few things I would change is having the option to convert fuel vouchers to Qantas Points. I have an EV so fuel vouchers are useless. I would also make the boost offers in the Everyday Rewards app automatically opt in so that you don’t need to activate the deals. Some are quite decent. But they do need to also do better personalising the boost offers. If commonly I spread around $100 a shop every week I am unlikely to increase my shop to $150 or $200 for 4 weeks in order to receive a few thousand Qantas Points. Where I may increase it to $110 for 4 weeks in order to earn extra points. I’m only buying for myself. Woolworths should already know that from the data they already know me.

Scan & Go is now in the actual Woolworths app.

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Yeah, I have just seen it. that app has changed a lot since I last looked at it. I still remember when Scan and go was being trialed then it slowly began to be rolled out. So, it looks like it is clearly way past this point and available everywhere.

I see it there now. Cheers.

I’ve been using Scan and Go at my local WW for a couple of years now and this has only happened to me once. I think it has to do with the amount of time between payment and leaving the store. The only time I ever got asked to scan articles was when I didn’t go straight to the exit after payment.

This photo in the Woolworths catalogue does not look right.

Imported Brazilian Lobster Tails.

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He quoted one submission to his inquiry asserting that, until August 2022, Coles and Woolies sold a 200-gram jar of Timms coffee for $8. Then Coles increased the shelf price to $12.70 before, a couple of weeks later, reducing the price to $10.70 with a tag saying “was $12.70 per bottle, now ‘down, down!’.”

Another submission asserted that Devondale cheese had gone from $5 to $10 in recent months, but had then been on “special” for $10.

Similar observations we have made here.


The report by Allan Fels found that rising prices were not just caused by true inflation but often by greed, corporate gouging and “profit pushing” by companies with too much market power.

“The power of corporations to unduly lift prices had been a central factor in the recent cost-of-living crisis affecting so many Australian households,” Professor Fels found.

"Companies have been able to leverage the disruptions and uncertainty that followed the COVID pandemic into unprecedented profitability.

Almost half of the public submissions to the ACTU’s price gouging inquiry related to supermarket prices and practices.

“What has occurred since the pandemic, though, is an increase in margins in both Coles and Woolworths food and grocery segments driven by low competitive forces and an ability to not pass on immediate cost reductions.”


I used Everyday Pay once would not accept my BOQ card.

Tried it months later worked fine .

Tried in 2 months ago came up with an error .