Supermarkets and Retail

Did Coles give any reason as to why they dropped the ‘New World’ branding come 1991?

I guess they originally needed it to distinguish between Coles Variety Store discount department stores and Coles New World supermarkets.

Once all the Coles Variety Stores had closed, it was simpler to market the brand as Coles. “At Coles” is easier to promote than “At Coles New World”.


Can u imagine Lisa McCune ending an ad by saying “at Coles New World”?

The original idea behind Dickens New World as it was at the time was they were introducing “a new world of shopping”. I guess after twenty odd years that slogan was no longer relevant and the smaller Dickens and subsequently Coles grocery stores had closed there was no need for differentiating between different food offerings. I know there was a time in my suburb when the Coles supermarket and Coles variety were across the carpark from each other, you just knew which was which!

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Yes, I’m sure people knew the difference between the two, it’s just when they put their adverts out there, they needed to be clear.

It may have varied between states too, as acquisitions and mergers happened at different times. In NSW, when people said they were going to Coles, they meant the Variety Store. The supermarkets were known as New World and the emphasis on Coles New World came later.

Same in Victoria I’d say.

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Sometimes their ads would end with “Out now at all Coles Variety Stores and larger New World supermarkets”.

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I remember Coles Variety stores but not New World. I grew up in regional NSW but visited Newcastle and Sydney a few times a year in the 1980s.

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A bit of retail history in Auburn Rd, Auburn in Sydney’s western suburbs. The original Woolworths building, which was later Woolworths Variety. The building was occupied by a discount $2 type store for many years. It is now a Cincotta Chemist.

The original Coles building that had the G. J. Coles & Coy lettering above the door. It’s been occupied by a range of businesses since Coles moved out. The original Coles flag poles are still there on the roof.


Very wool

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Cairns DVD retailer Sanity escapes final curtain drop
A DVD and CD retailer in Cairns will live to sell another day after its post-Christmas plans to close this week were suddenly reversed.

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It has to be the world’s smallest Sanity too. Barely enough room for three aisles of music, and from memory it was next to Big W which is almost always cheaper

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This and Sanity’s overall design, layout and product range is so outdated. Just take a look at their logo, oozes very late 90s/early 2000s. A serious rebrand is a decade overdue!


They usually only compete where there is no JB Hifi, as JB is usually considerably cheaper.


I think this may just be more of a coincidence in your area (or that they might just be in some smaller shopping centres), most of, if not all the Perth metro locations are in large shopping centres in which a JB Hi-Fi is also located.

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I’m shocked that Sanity stores still exist.


Generally in regional areas.

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There is a Sanity in Goulburn; I have never seen anyone in there whenever I have visited the shopping centre. Surely they must be a front like Franco Cozzo?

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Yeah I remember seeing that sanity in goulburn and it was like I stepped back in time.

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There is a store in Lilydale in Melbourne’s outer east.