Super Radio Network

Country music! After all, it is home to the Gympie Country Music Muster :slightly_smiling_face:

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Agree on the soft AC. But I read recently there are a lot of younger couples/families moving to Gympie as they get priced out of the Sunshine Coast. Quite a few new housing developments Iā€™ve seen myself driving through.


Iā€™m not a fan of Sky News to any stretch of the imagination but having said that, from a purely logical standpoint it would be a very good idea if for sky to do this, we already see them launching around the place on DAB+ with Sky News Radio so it would make sense if they wanted to get to become a house hold name to get on AM and start developing it to go up against the likes of 2GB.

They wouldnā€™t be able to due to the 2 station to a market rule (Nova and Smooth being owned by the co-chair of News Corp).

The only way they could get Sky News Radio on the airwaves would be via DAB+ which theyā€™ve already done in Brisbane.

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You would think the children would be looking at selling the stations, they reportedly have no interest in those assets?

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Theyā€™ve said that they would continue to honour Billā€™s legacy

Jockā€™s Journal published this note that went to staff


Bill Caralis, our Founder, Chairman and Managing Director, and a giant of the radio industry in Australia, passed away on Friday 19th July 2024.

Pam Caralis, John Caralis, Despina Priala (nee Caralis) and George Caralis advise with great sadness and pain that their beloved Husband, Dad, leader and lifelong inspiration passed away at Pindara Hospital on Friday afternoon last week.

Whilst unexpected and a shock to us all, and although we are suffering great pain and grief, the reality is this sad eventuality is one the Family has prepared for over the years and had a succession plan in place for. In terms of that Plan, Despina Priala (nee Caralis) and George Caralis will immediately assume the role of Joint Managing Directors of all companies and entities within the Super Radio Network group.

Due to Billā€™s incredible business acumen, foresight, and careful forward planning he left the Super Radio Network in a formidable financial position, highly profitable, well capitalised, and debt free. The Caralis Family is committed to a ā€œbusiness as usualā€ approach for the Super Radio Network, with no plans to change anything operationally, and in particular day to day operations will continue this week and in future weeks no different to how they have in the past. Despite Bill C being no longer with us in your day-to-day business activities and tasks you should barely notice any changes.

Robyn Maclean who has been with Bill C as his right-hand person in the Boardroom for more than 30 years will continue in her general management role reporting daily to Despina and George so as per usual access to key decision makers, ownership, and the Managing Directors will be exclusively through Robyn.

For those of you who knew Bill C you would know all that he would want now is for the business to continue as per normal and for everyone to get on with doing their jobs as well as they can and with a minimum of fuss. That is what the Family asks of you now.

As you can appreciate, we are grieving the sudden loss of our beloved Dad, and with Mum having serious health problems of her own, we need time and space to attend to Family matters, so for the moment we ask for our privacy, and we will announce funeral details as soon as possible. In the meantime, please letā€™s all honour Dadā€™s legacy by getting back to business as usual.


Good news for employees, particularly around the operation being debt-free and able to continue in a profitable state. I have always wondered about its revenue intake and how the market downturn is impacting the business.

I wonder then why they allegedly havenā€™t been paying rent at a number of TX sites? That should count as debt, maybe it doesnā€™t in the Caralis world.


Many transmissions sites in regional Australia for both TV and radio were setup based on handshake agreements between station owners and land owners. Quite often these were for peanuts because the land owners had a vested interest in helping their communities access broadcast services for the first time. Thereā€™s been plenty of disputes about ongoing/revised terms as owners of both stations and the land has changed over the years. Generally the stations have come to new agreements as required with considerably more expensive terms for the broadcasters as theyā€™ve moved to market rates.

Without any knowledge of the Caralis disputes, I suspect most are centred around there being no formal agreement. Itā€™s quite likely land/site owners have come to Bill wanting to increase rates, Billā€™s pointed out thereā€™s no formal agreement, and so begins a stalemate where the most the site owner can really do is restrict access to the site.


Not entirely as you put it.
From what Iā€™ve been told Caralis never paid rent to Nine Radio & previous owners for its 2SM transmission facilities at Homebush Bay, he never paid rent to NBN/Nine TV for the transmission facilities at Mt Sugarloaf Newcastle, he never paid rent for transmission facilities at Tamworth & Armidale to Prime TV, Nine weā€™re always chasing him for payment, Prime didnā€™t bother until Seven took over then they did & it eventually led to the TX locations of the AM to FM conversions in those 2 towns. Theyā€™re just ones I know of, Iā€™m sure thereā€™s others.
Newcastle & Sydney definitely wouldnā€™t have been a handshake agreement or cheap rental agreement with no expectation of an increase in costs.


Listening to 4GY Noosa on 107.1MHz tonight. It is absolutely shocking; audio drop outs & whistle sounds. Shortwave radio DX sounds much better.
Maintenance for this service?
When the Caralis children complete their mum & dadā€™s funeral arrangements/grieving, some focus on improving the delivery of the baseband signal to this Noosa FM transmitter should be investigated. :face_with_thermometer:


Hmm, thatā€™s not quite how I read that. Itā€™s ā€œbusiness as usualā€ but it doesnā€™t give an indication of how long the status quo would be maintained. I actually find the wording a bit terse TBH.


Just doubled checked with a source of mine and found this is true
I am in massive shock, canā€™t believe they both went in the space of 3 days :flushed:

I had dealings with Pam from time to time during my time working at SRN


tbf the new custodians of the business just lost both parents within a few days of each other. I think itā€™s probably not fair to look for any hidden subtext or jump to any conclusions based on one email.


I completely agree, family and those close to them both are not in a very good place right now

The email would be more about putting staff members minds at ease to keep the ship on course as it has been prior to the passings of the owners


I agree. Itā€™s an email that gives staff an update of who is in charge and lets them know that for the time being nothing really changes. Itā€™s good for staff to have certainty that theyā€™ve still got a job for the time being and thereā€™s no changes coming immediately.

As time progresses, Iā€™m sure thereā€™ll be changes - be it small or large. By the sounds of it a succession plan was in place and Iā€™m sure the kids have an understanding of the business, but over time theyā€™ll find out if they have the same passion for it that Bill had, or decide itā€™s time to get their money out. I wouldnā€™t expect significant changes for a while. It will be interesting to see how Despina and George present themselves publically.

I canā€™t find anything online about George or John, but Despina is a lawyer with somewhat of a profile on the Gold Coast, including hosting a weekly legal segment on Radio 97 until this year when it moved to be online only due to programming changes at Radio 97 - itā€™s pretty rough to get your segment shafted when your Dad owns the station!!


Generally speaking, there are tools such as bolt cutters and oxy acetylene torches and other items to restore access to sites.

Should the site owner be more pastoral and approaches with a firearm, best advice would be to comply and beat a hasty retreat.


A funeral notice was published in the SMH on Saturday too


I donā€™t tend to read online news to much these days, even more so now you have to pay for everything you want to view on a news site

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