
She didn’t have to no… but what you are left with then is untenable for a government to function, particularly at the speed at which ICAC conducts itself.

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That was wrong of her, but can ‘Sunrise’ as a show be blamed for it? I highly doubt they asked her to say that.


And didn’t Today pick Prue up after Sunrise dropped her?


Well if she’s known for churning rubbish like that out of her mouth then why have her onboard?

There is a degree of political slant that is acceptable on opinion segments as long as there is a balance and the comments are not unhinged. Sunrise should’ve known better and have Sam cut her off or challenge her for what she said. That or cut her loose. But no Sunrise let it happen without even doing much to address it until they were forced to.


That was the last time Sunrise had her on… she went on to be Today’s social commentator. Is that not just as bad, if not worse?


The key words here are 3 years ago. And it was in Hot Topics which is an opinion segment. A segment which, across the 7 days, features a wide range of views and voices. Not defending Prue but on the whole the show is not completely slanted.


I’m not talking a major flood that requires wall to wall coverage. Premier steps down, a fatal house fire, large court case, QLD NSW covid border issues. etc. Things that since the beginning of sunrise have warranted being mentioned in a national program. Are these all now relegated to a live read from a Sydney newsreader for everyone except QLD?

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Beaten by Today yesterday in the 5-city market.

In Brisbane: some good news with numbers towards the top end of results in the city. However, not good enough yet and still in third place with Today still 10k ahead of Sunrise in SEQ.


Sunrise needs to stick with their Brisbane updates. It will pay off if they get the content mix and presentation right.

More promotion is needed too.


I agree they should stick with the local updates and I’m sure they will. Still an issue that the show seems to be so focussed on Sydney and NSW (politics) at the moment that it is still turning viewers off. A comparison to Today on Monday and Tuesday was stark - everytime the local updates ended in Brisbane it seemed that the next story was always NSW politics. IMO they just have the balance wrong; and not even Sydney is liking it where Sunrise’s audience is down 40% from a few months ago.


For anyone interested, here is what each segment was between 7am and 7:30am this morning:

7:14am Dominic Perrottet sworn in as Premier (Interview with NSW Attorney General)
7:15am Victoria’s coronavirus situation (Interview with Professor Robert Booy)
7:17am New South Wales’ coronavirus situation (still speaking to the same professor)
7:18am Queensland’s coronavirus situation (still speaking to the same professor)
7:19am NSW’s roadmap + personal views of Perrottet (back to NSW Attorney General)
7:22am NSW Nationals Leadership vote (still with NSW Attorney General)
7:24am Swimmers allege former coach abused them (Interview with a Child Protection Advocate)
7:27am Kochie throws to ad break

So a good portion of the morning was dedicated to matters in New South Wales, which is understandable given the political situation, but they risk turning off viewers in other states IMO.


You’d be forgiven if anyone thought this was ‘Sydney Sunrise’.

And even then the Sydney ratings aren’t good either.


It’s not just the amount of NSW content it is also the amount of NSW politics - far too much for breakfast TV.


What happened to talking about inspiring communities and feel good stores to start your day?
Of course cover news but even News Breakfast covers lighter topics.

And no… I don’t mean cross promotion for one of their reality shows


It almost feels like a NSW government informercial these days with all the spotlight on what’s happening in NSW. If only Kochie and Nat can put forward some tough questions to Dom and co it would be hilarious entertainment that is actually worth watching.

Meanwhile Melbourne…DOOM DOOM DOOM…Virus new record…Dan Andrews is bad blah blah blah. It’s very one tone at the moment.


They did this morning. Kochie asked the NSW Attorney General this morning about Dominic’s conservative views with abortion, same sex marriage, euthanasia and climate change.

It’s really not all biased against Dan Andrews. Nat put some clear questions to the infectious diseases expert this morning which he answered honestly and impartially.

But yes, it is a new virus record, that can’t be disputed, so not sure what the issue is with saying Victoria have recorded the highest amount of daily case numbers?

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They could always try and take the focus off the fact that it’s a new record and focus on the important vaccination numbers. Take the doom and gloom angle away and focus on the current good news in vaccination. Afterall we’re learning to live with the virus right?


Sunrise has always been like that. They will cover other states when something big happens but it’s usually all about Sydney otherwise.

It’s the same in the US. NBC Today and Nightly News are very New York focused because that’s where they are. I often joke that the shows should be called New York Today and New York Nightly News. It amazes me how often they will bring up New York or the “north east” in a report on a fire in California.

This is why I’m glad WA and now QLD get local news inserts. At least they’re getting something local.


Bring back the ROS Wall.


East Coast bias is real in the US for their morning shows