Sunrise (2015-Sept 2020)

Todays GFX are hideous. Sunrise may be large, but are not ugly.

I have the opposite opinion. Sunrise’s graphics are big, bold and ugly, while Today’s are out of the way, clean and modern.


I can’t see the Olympics doing anything that MKR isn’t. The fact there are currently many more eyes on Seven the night before is a big concern. At times they have 800k - 1m advantage on Nine the night before. That is a massive switch off/ over in the mornings.
If it wasn’t for MKR, I have no dobut the the gap between Today and Sunrise would be much wider.


Michael Pell messed up big time.
The moment I saw promos saying “a new sun will rise” and “a new brekky central”, I knew they were going down the wrong track.
Sunrise didn’t need an overhaul. It only needed to be slightly refreshed. Two very different directions.
Swapping and adding hosting roles, and changing the format and presentation, was way too much change at once; especially when you’re winning comfortably. As Leostar said, very dejavuu (Seven News Brisbane comes to mind).
I personally can’t see Pell holding his role for much longer under Craig McPherson’s management. This was his first big test and has so far failed miserably.


I remember the guy from his time on breakfast radio in Perth. Based on that, I would say he is far less annoying than Grant Denyer, for example.

He’s great if you love puns at every turn and outdated pop culture references from the 90s.

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See today’s ratings article for yesterday’s results.

Even on a low rating day, the margin of Today over Sunrise seems to be hovering around 20 000 viewers. I’d be interested to know how many “people meters” (if that’s what they’re still called) that equates to. It can’t be many! Does anyone know the formula for calculation of ratings?

BTW, Sunrise extended to 10am yesterday due to a public holiday in Melbourne and I think Sam or Kochie said Adelaide too. [quote=“SydneyCityTV, post:781, topic:69”]
Personally I hope that Michael Pell will eventually be one of the casualties. Sorry, but it’s time to get some new management into Sunrise if you ask me!
[/quote] I think it is time for new management. I understand that Pell has only been E.P for about 5 years, compared to Boland’s decade. However, Boland was so creative and innovative and skilful at change. He knew when the right time to do, what to do and was always open to feedback. Yes, I may be a bit of an Adam Boland fanboy and may be very critical, but Pell has never really done anything significant. The only thing I think Pell did wisely was the more regular appearances of Rebecca Maddern. Pell has made her Nat’s primary substitute and a regular fixture of Sunrise which IMO is a great idea.

[quote=“Nicholas, post:779, topic:69, full:true”]
Probably not directly related to Sunrise, but what have been the ratings for Today Extra and The Morning Show?

is TMS regularly winning still?
[/quote] Yes, regularly winning even though Nine is smashing Seven at breakfast. TBH, TMS deserves to win a lot more than Mornings ( oops, I mean TODAY Extra) and more than Sunrise. [quote=“Leostar, post:783, topic:69”]
All of these changes that were introduced in Feb should have been slowly happening years ago. Format changes should of crept in rather than a big New Set, Format, Hosting duties, Graphics, Theme (or lack of) and weatherperson all at once. People hate change and I feel it was all just too much at once. Today hasn’t really changed dramatically in the last 2 years and they are only winning case now Sunrise is a mess and they have stability.
[/quote] I understand your point and definitely agree somewhat. However, Sunrise has on the decrease since 2012. Sunrise was losing more and more in 2015, and IMO and the opinion of most members needed a major shake-up. Pell delivered that change. Obviously, it would be really nice if in his 5 years, he did make changes gradually but he didn’t. He changed the set, change the line-up ( Sam Mac is quite good IMO, changed the format to something different. I give him brownie points for effort in February.

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But it is a scientifically and statistically accurate representation of viewing habits. Advertisers wouldn’t use it if it weren’t.


But the current margin is still statistically small. Get a small percentage of the audience or three or four people meters to change and the result shifts the other way.

Sounds like he would suit Sunrise’s daggy mum audience then, and Kochie’s awkward dad humour. Perfect fit!

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Thursday 17.03.16: Sam Armytage was ‘holding the fort’ this morning at Brekky Central as Kochie was co-hosting live from Melbourne.

Friday 18.03.16: Sunrise is broadcasting live from Sydney’s Easter Show.

Why did they make a big deal about Ryan being back at the desk that Saturday when he hasn’t been seen since?

Is it Simon’s gig that Ryan fills in for? Or the other way round?

Sunday (20.03.16):

Mark Riley co-hosting Weekend Sunrise today.

Also for the plasma behind Angie and Andrew now alters between contemporary images. This morning I saw, they were a bookshelf and a kitchen bench.

Sally was there in studio. She did only appear after 9am I believe though.

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Article regarding the “new” Sunrise set:

So… can we have the desk back please? Maybe reface it?


Nah. The desk is one of the good changes. The smaller alcoves is what looks strange now.

Hmm maybe its just the platform with the sun in the middle that we hardly see.
They should of put it closer to the desk and put SUNRISE over the top of it. The grey text on the desk looks morbid now lol

I agree about the alcoves, I feel the reason why the white one is so small is because they wanted to reuse the screens from the old soft set…

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I actually think Samantha Armytage’s profile has been civilly damaged. I think most people see her now days as a ‘dizzy blond’. Seven need to fix her credibility fast. Maybe a story on Sunday Night might help, and a few serious news segment.