Summer bushfires 2019/20 - media coverage

When did ten provid Perth with their own bulletins on weekend ? I thought it was just delayed National and only did locals when needed, like today for instance.


As has ABC news:


The beginning of this year when Chris Bath
took over. Perth has its own local edition seperate from the national bulletin.


The ABC have also sent crews up from Melbourne to assist with the coverage.

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Update showing Mark Ferguson in Rainbow Flat.


It looks like even though ABC is only broadcasting upscaled SD on their HD channel, itā€™s actually shot/sent in HD:

ABC HD recording:

Recording direct from the feed in HD:

Click for full size screenshots (1920x1080) and then use left/right keyboard buttons to compare the two.

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SMH is reporting that the Standard Emergency Warning Signal is to be played every hour on TV and radio until 7pm tonight. Obviously they couldnā€™t convince the commercial networks to give up precious prime time advertising space (when most people are watching!) for the emergency warning if itā€™s going to stop at 7pmā€¦


A bit like the Emergency Alert System (EAS) in the US. Tested once a month.

Tomorrow (November 12) 10 will show a special edition of Studio 10 at 7am AEDT followed by 10 News First at midday AEDT. Both programs will be live across Australia.


Didnā€™t catch it at all when monitoring NSW radio over the weekend.

Iā€™ve heard it on WSFM at roughly :30 past the hour.

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They only just started this afternoon.

Disappointing if so. Queensland and Victoria have successfully implemented it for emergency level fires for a number of years (as well as cyclones for many years prior); I see no reason why RFS or government department responsible have taken so long to do the same in NSW

The warning is occurring every hour warning of the catastrophic weather conditions expected tomorrow, not of any out of control fires. They usually warn of out of control fires with SEWS.

Sorry, thatā€™s what I was referring to. Didnā€™t hear it across ABC or commercial radio once over the course of the weekend.

Would someone mind getting a cap of the SEWS being used in metro Sydney?


Would like to see one. Never received it in the Perth metro area,.

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