Studio 10 (2015-2020)

They had to go with their wet weather option due to rain.


The panel tried to convince Pauline H that One Nation should support media reform

Very passionately in some cases

Denise rushed to cook the sausages “in case they get re-possessed”.

Pauline returned the favour and prepared dessert and presented bottles of Bundy Rum.


Media reform was probably one of the reasons why they had her on to try and sway her lol.

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Makes for nice TV anyway.

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There is a lot of discussion on social media about Pauline Hanson’s appearance. A large portion of it is backlash against Jess in regards to her constantly interrupting Hanson.

I tend to agree. If you pose a question, shut up and listen to the response, ever if you don’t agree with it.


I don’t think Jess was in the wrong, Studio 10 is a panel show. Mind you, whilst it happened on air, the crowd cheered when Pauline revved Jess and Joe for interrupting.

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Probably One Nation supporters who went there to see Hanson.


Yes it is a panel show. However, that doesn’t mean you constantly interrupt guests after you’ve asked them a question. Jessica’s a journalist, she should know better. Sarah handled the situation much better than Jess, she posed a question, let Hanson respond then queried the response.

Ita has had a go at Jess on several occasions about interrupting in the past.


Any interruptions were pretty minor really and on most other days there would be a more even share of time between the panelists. Pauline wasn’t really treated as an equal member of the panel and was given a huge amount of time to express her views. It seemed that the others were at times justified in trying to get their point of view across as well, rather than just leaving it one-sided; it was supposed to be the panel giving views on topics not just one person.


People that far will never listen because they are scared of the debate.

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Guests for next week from Studio 10 Facebook, though Tuesday is TBC now as Phil has dropped out apparently.


Latest audience report from Ten has Studio 10 ratings for 2017 so far “up 14% in total people compared with the same period in 2016.”


David Robinson filling Denise’s seat on her scheduled week off today, Thursday and Friday. Jess is still on the panel.

A panel has replaced the Gloria Jeans set-up.


I don’t know any of these people - except for Bonnie. Must be a generational thing lol

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I was watching to see what Joe would do as he walked in. Apparently he saw someone he knows… he raced over to the audience, too quickly for the cameras.

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Jo Casamento filling in for Jess Wednesday -Friday this week.

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Talitha Cummins on the Panel tomorrow.


It’s great too see Talitha back on the panel,also Robbo on the panel today.


Tomorrow they are announcing how the audience can get tickets to their Melbourne shows, which must be coming up later this month.

Rob, can I say, I would love to see Chrissie Swan back on the show (even if it was for a segment, because I think she does brekky radio) and Gorgi Coghlan given a chance, as I think she would do great. Both are very popular.


I loved loved loved seeing Casey Donovan on the show and would love to see her on again.