Shaun Micallef’s Mad as Hell

Is there a studio audience .


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The ratings for the last 9 years have been consistent which is pretty good for a long running show.

Even with no audience last year .

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i liked one of their promos for Mad As Hell recently, when they were on the Spicks and Specks set. Making the mistake that it was their set. lol. Francis got confused with the set build :slight_smile:


“Bloody ABC.”

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Poor Tosh, things really look to go downhill in episode 4 if the synopsis is anything to go by. Look away now it you don’t want to read his fate.

Tosh emulates his hero, Charles Lindbergh, by building and flying his own airplane. Things don’t turn out the way anyone thought when he turns into a werewolf.


No studio audience tonight, understandably due to the new restrictions that came into effect last night.


Episode 5 synopsis

Stephen builds a pretend TV studio out of blankets and attends the red carpet opening in drag as Peta Credlin, in a chartreuse sports jacket as Alan Jones, and finally in a tizzy over nothing as Chris Kenny.


Ahead of tonight’s episode, it looks like there could be a change in classification coming for upcoming episode 6, if the warning that the synopsis contains is to be believed.

While Shaun, drunk on bootlegged hooch, is away hunting, Tosh, Emily, and an army of mice ransack his house for food. WARNING: GRAPHIC VIOLENCE.

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There’s full frontal nudity on tonights episode.


slightly off topic and an afterthought from my OP quote below

I would love Micallef to bring back The Ex-PM on the ABC, that show was bloody funny, well to me anyway. The suporting cast equally so. And the running gags, like calling his son/grandson or whatever “boy” all the time instead of his name :joy:

Think they did two short seasons and eps weren’t very long, was it originally hoped for more?

Guides saying “M: Coarse Language” for tonight, not sure if that’s correct though (they’re often wrong for Network 10’s)

Much better show this week. Back in the swing of things. It was Frockin’ Good. :wink:


The viewer advice was correct, there were lots of bleeping during a segment in tonight’s episode.

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Bleeping doesn’t warrant a Coarse Language warning. However, the f bomb they dropped does. And there was full frontal nudity so there normally would be a Nudity next to the classification.



And since when has full frontal nudity only been moderate in impact (i.e.) M

It’s usually always MA (e.g.) The Hangover movies airing right now, except for the very rare occasion where the ‘justification by context’ comes into play, as well as production values/merits, quality (B&W or old), distance (zoomed out) and length (short), etc.

Wonder what context tonight’s was in, was it more artistic in nature? I’ll try to watch the ep at some stage, as I’ve always also enjoyed the show too.

It think if actually can and does, examples are the “PG” reality shows with the higher consumer advice of “Some Coarse Language” (as opposed to “Mild”) which appears to usually always be for ‘bleeped F-words’, I’d guess more because of the frequency of them and mouth movements (they’re not always blurred).

The terms used by the classification board are as follows.

G The content is very mild in impact
PG The content is mild in impact
M The content is moderate in impact
MA 15+ The content is strong in impact
R 18+ The content is high in impact

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Monty Python’s The Life of Brian has full frontal male and female nudity and is rated M. The Bill Murray movie Stripes contains full frontal female nudity and is rated M, as does the Gene Wilder movie The Woman in Red.


Nah, the guy just popped his head in, asked Shaun a question and closed the door. It wasn’t sexual or artistic, more like what you’d do around the house.

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Micallef always has an apt comment.