Seven v Nine News Ratings Comparisons

26 week report

Report on the progress of the year so far at the halfway point of the calendar.

Tables based on average overnight posted audiences. In addition to the usual Mon-Fri that are tabulated, have also prepared Sunday and Saturday bulletins.

2023 weeks 1-26

2022 weeks 1-26

Change 2022 → 2023

Many of the averages audience comparisons are in line with the weekly wins. The notable exceptions are Sydney and Brisbane that see Seven winning a clean sweep at 6pm across all markets; a surprising result for Sydney.

The calendar year contest in Sydney shows Nine ahead by just 1,000 across the hour while in Brisbane it is a tie after rounding. Nine in danger of losing its lead in its only winning markets.

In the Mon-Fri tables, Seven Perth is down the most but Nine has a substantial drop there as well, possibly reflecting various sporting events competing at 6pm. Next worse results come from Nine in Sydney and Adelaide while Seven in Adelaide had grown its audience. In Melbourne, while Seven has maintained its audience from last year Nine has lost significantly reflecting the weeks won results.

Weekend news audiences show some significant losses across all markets.