Seven & Ten News (SCA)

I am on the Sunshine Coast at the moment and have seen a couple of Local updates during Midday, the presenter Phillipa Christian (who I haven’t seen before) is quite good.

Though the script seems poorly written. An example was reading out Mooloolaba SLSC, which is fine in written form but saying that (twice no less) is really quite the mouthful.

Likewise with specific local names, she seemed to stumble on a local street name and another example that I can’t recall now.

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Have seen her before, she does read pretty well, one of the better ones, but the writing on these updates is usually pretty clunky.

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Bizarre. Why don’t they use what the 7 Network use? Essentially all they need to do is place the script from the reports, autocue and even live cross scripts into the subtitles and that is 99% of the bulletin all down for them nearly word for word. Works perfectly for 7 Network every night for years. Having the subtitles down live is opening themselves up for error. Shows their disrespect for the hearing impaired.


My understanding was that the company performing the capturing would receive at least some of the scripts before it airs which is useful but the line up can change with breaking news and other things happening which could cause the delays.

This is what they were doing… the software they were using was very old, not updated anymore and uses RS-232 to send the subtitles
was a manual process that involved a person sitting in front 2 monitors and hitting enter after every sentence.

The new services are all speech recognition.


7 Brisbane has not had this problem. Breaking news matches the autocue script as it automatically updates with subtitles. So yes, it can be done.

Coming from SCA, that does not surprise me in the slightest

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That’s what some keep forgetting, this is SCA, not Seven.

Seven or SCA is not the issue. The technology that 7 is using is not new. It’s a license requirement to have subtitles. It’s up to SCA to ensure they are accurate.

The equipment and process is SCAs and that has been the issue so yes it does because it all comes down to money.


My Final Ten News First Regional Queensland bulletin from last Thursday.


That was nice of them to let you say goodbye. Best of luck to whatever comes next.


Thanks mate! I’m off to 88.9 FM in Tamworth!


Geez, we’ve only just started with the cold Launnie mornings and you’re already trying to escape! Good luck with the future path!


Haha, Done over a year in Tasmania, time to move on.


Has there always been the weather transition like that? Don’t recall seeing that but looks good, thanks for sharing.

All the best for the next role.


That transition is thanks to my (now former) editor. We did a few things differently with the Regional Queensland news updates


Nice to see people who care about the little extra things making the effort, the product is better for it.

Appreciate the reply.


How strange that it’d be different across markets and not a standard style. Very SCA though I guess.

Also as per the video above, I am hearing more and more presenters, more so on radio than TV though, saying ‘Nooze’ rather than ‘News’… Is that a state thing like dance and plant? or an Americanism? :person_shrugging:

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