I apologise I didn’t see those posts.
Does this apply across all threads and talent? Or just a certain few? I’m only asking because there’s many comments in this thread mocking the physical appearance and the competency of John Hunt; which to this day not only still remain, but have also received likes from the moderation team.
Regarding my own comments that have been quoted - the first was meant in jest - I have no issue with John Hunt’s looks and in hindsight I regret making the comment.
Constructive criticism of his - or anyone else’s - delivery of the news should be fair game though as long as it doesn’t attack or mock the individual.
My second comment regarding John Hunt’s accent was a genuine query/observation and not intended as a criticism at all.
Eastoe is a wonderful presenter
7Tas News Director Grant Wilson retired today after a long career and giving several names a big start in the industry who have gone on to national and international careers.
@Techster great cameo there too and good to see your story in tonight’s bulletin about the new UTAS building had some association with me. I’ve been working with the guys constructing and doing all the joinery for those buildings and have walked through the factory with that roof architecture plenty of times, they’re pretty amazing up close for the shape of them.
Oh nice! Wasn’t able to go inside myself but from the footage it’s pretty speccy!
Local 10 News updates gone on break for Christmas and the New Year - back on Jan 9
As hinted on last Friday’s bulletin (Tasmania HQ just uploaded it this morning), SCA Spencer Gulf News is on holiday mode for five whole weeks. (not kidding) Doesn’t make a difference, since SCA holds a TV monopoly there. News production resumes 16 January.
But so much local news happens over the New Years holidays. Why would SCA rest regional SA and Broken Hill’s only news service?
The simple answer is that with only one VJ in each town (most if not all who are not locals), they need to take holidays at some point and most would opt to go home for Christmas so who do they get to make the bulletins?
We need the break to recharge our batteries after a busy year. And production doesn’t resume on the 16th, that’s what the bulletin will return to air, but in the previous week, us as 7 Spencer Gulf News will be getting stories and filming.
Well, that’s a well-deserved break for them. I hope the whole staff enjoys Christmas with family and friends behind the cameras and mics.
5 weeks off is a bit of a stretch to be honest, probably forcing the reporters to use them now so they don’t have to deal with Annual Leave during the year. I am surprised this bulletin has survived to be honest, each year it slips further and further into obscurity and the quality has complete bottomed out. It’s like a captainless ship. All these young reporters fresh out of uni given no support and just left to their own devices, stilted and dull presentation, and on scheduled where nobody sees it. Even that end of year message was bizzare. SCA would be better to just run updates in the region and divert some resources into Tassie, which will need it ahead of 9 launching.
You can always email us your feedback at: SGT-News@sca.com.au
And please don’t make unnecessary speculation about us being “forced” to do anything.
We all have annual leave that we take throughout the year and none of us reporters are “fresh out of uni” as you assume,
I have 12 years experience as a Journalist alone and we all have a fantastic level of support from our management team in South Australia and Tasmania.
We’re all Video Journalists, and while our camera-work might not get to be as dynamic as a professional seperate cameraman can do, we are able to write, edit, report, research and film two packages per day to an audience that does watch us.
Suggesting we axe the only local tv bulletin for the Spencer Gulf and Broken Hill is a disservice to all of us that work tirelessly in some of the most isolated areas of television.
After 5 months at 7 Spencer Gulf News, I’ve done about 170 reports, broke news, and reported on stories that even the ABC haven’t covered.
I’m proud of my work, I’m proud of my collegues and I’m proud of my Captain Madeline Kerr
Well I don’t live or travel in the region anymore so I don’t have any skin in the game, am an observer from afar.
I don’t doubt how hard you and the video jounros work, I can’t think of another bulletin that expects so much yet provides such little in way of resources, but the fact is that SCA lets the show flounder. Moved to a silly timeslot on a multi channel, no investment in the presentation.
Go back a few years and the show was a bit creative, all the reporters ended up in metro markets and there were fresh faces coming through, it’s a shadow of what it was under Casey or Frasier or Tim or Julie Snook. I mean watch that end of year message and compare with this one: Redirecting... or this one: Southern Cross News SA - Friday December 15 - YouTube
Why is nobody sitting down with the reporters and talking to them about voice delivery? Why is nobody having a word to the reporters about lining up their shots better so there’s not a giant hand with a mic taking up a third of the screen? Like that’s just me as a casual viewer picking these things up.
The social media presence has fallen away, it used to pump out alot of stuff with local alerts and stuff, we used to check it for weather warnings, now a few random stories go up, sometimes.
As I say I don’t doubt how hard the journos work, but the support from above clearly isn’t there. And if the company isn’t going to invest in it a bit in terms of resources or training or even some new graphics, then you have to wonder why they’re still bothering. It’s good they do, when compared to the alternative, but you have to think about how viable it is. SCA have cancelled better bulletins in this in the past as we all know.
Re the shutdown… if a company gives staff 5 or 6 weeks of leave but forces them to take 4 at Christmas then I mean the maths says it all. But I apologies for assuming you were a recent graduate, I think it’s great that someone with experience has taken on one of these jobs… but needs to be more of it.
It really does beg the question: what does this bulletin achieve? Is it what wins them the ratings or advertising money?
it’s also a disservice to the viewers.
SCA should be credited for maintaining a bulletin where it is not obliged to do so AFAIK, and as regional news outlets have been brutally cut back or axed all together in more populated markets.