Seven (Southern Cross)

This is a very important point - people in regional areas are always suspicious that the cities have it in for them, and even the best intentioned changes can raise that suspicion to dangerous levels.
In the media, locals have very little appreciation for what is already done out of their local area. Plenty of people in Albury for instance still think that Prime news is done out of their tiny office on Dean St, despite it moving to Canberra years ago when Prime were still in their original studios in Lavington.

For Southern Cross, thereā€™s a danger that some inexperienced journo will find out that presentation etc are done out of Canberra, and write a fake news story that all of this has recently moved as part of the name change, despite that having been the case for a long time now. The locals, most of whom donā€™t know any better, would believe it and hate Seven for taking away local jobs.

The same thing happened when hit and Triple M changed names throughout regional Australia - there was mass hysteria about local jobs being lost. While there might have been some shifting of responsibilities, no local jobs have been lost as a direct result of the change - in fact some offices have increased local employment.


Yes - but would 7 have let them without it being part of an agreed deal? Back in the day the rumours were that Ten wanted the SC brand to be more ā€˜distinctly differentā€™ when they got rid of ā€œCapitalā€ ā€œVictoriaā€ and ā€œNorthernā€. For a time, SC just used the Ten logo at will for things like CSAs - so you couldnā€™t really tell the difference between CTC Ten Wollongong, for example and TEN 10. Occasionally Ten would throw out itā€™s own ID (below), but that was about it. So, Ten instructed SC to create something distinctive.

I imagine using the 7 brand for news and sales comes with some conditions - I wouldnā€™t mind betting improving the news quality was in there. Knowing some of the players at Watson - I would say itā€™s a matter of ā€˜whatā€™s good for the goose is good for the ganderā€™ as the realised the 9 agreement had streamlined their business considerably - even with the shared ā€˜burdenā€™ of an improved news service.


Exceptionally patronising webguy. ā€œRegional peopleā€ are not idiots the closure of local newsrooms it very well known by average people. Yes there are some people who donā€™t actually care - so pay little regard, but there isnā€™t a disproportionate level of stupidity in regional areas.

The largest level of paranoia regards a city having ā€œit inā€ for a local people comes from Melbourne. Iā€™ve not been to any Australian city so obsessed that Sydney is overshadowing it.

The reason regional people feel screwed over is because they KNOW their local radio station isnā€™t local anymore and the TV presenters they used to see at local public events are no longer there. And - the reason these things have changed is to save money and cut staff. Certainly, itā€™s a product of the times - but please donā€™t make out the ā€œregional peopleā€ are too stupid to understand whatā€™s going on.


The exact opposite was true with Southern Cross 9 - and SC Tas made major investment in their local newsroom just this year.

I guess the people I know in these areas are not ā€œaverageā€ then. While the closures are reported, the stations also keep reasonably quiet about them and use tactics to appear local, so theyā€™re easily forgotton about by people who donā€™t really care.

If you got off youā€™re high horse, youā€™d have actually noticed that I wasnā€™t lumping all people in regional areas into the ā€œidiotsā€ basket. I was merely saying that a good chunk of the population are not in tune with these things.


The key word I posted was suspicion. I donā€™t say itā€™s the reality.

It means that thereā€™s a reasonable agreement to comply with the terms or a higher cost if they continue to go it alone. Less in this case simply meant the reasonable negotiated amount rather than a higher, ā€˜unnecessaryā€™ fee.

Who cares what they call themselves, what is important is the content they make and whether local jobs stay.


But for people who have called them Southern Cross for nearly 30 years, they will take a while to adjust or go looking. Also, if they do bring in a watermark (Iā€™d be putting money on that one) and maybe even the in program pop up advertising like Seven then there will be some viewer backlash against that.

Even taking a look at the announcement on the SC News Facebook page thereā€™s still people asking if it will still be called Southern Cross News (??? thought the post was fairly self explanatory!) and others saying theyā€™re upset because it will be like the Nine news on TDT and full of Melbourne stuff. So there will be confusion for people.

The Modern Family ad has been showing on high rotation and is the straight 7 ad, Iā€™m expecting to see more of these over the next 3 weeks with new promos probably not being created at all.

EDIT: The Mentor ad is also a straight 7 one as well. AFL promo still Southern Cross but that has been airing for months.


Why wouldnā€™t they just take the Seven Melbourne feed with watermark???

You do realise standardised branding means less jobs right? That is half the point with these things because labour is a major cost contributor.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m expecting, but currently they have had no watermark so introducing a watermark will annoy viewers initially. They already have nearly half the market regularly but there will be some people upset with the changes.

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Not always. It could mean those people are available to do other work instead.
Either way, the jobs related to branding are in Canberra, so not local.

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They are probably used to watermarks since every other channel already has them.


To me it doesnā€™t matter if the jobs lost are in Tas or in Canberra, theyā€™re still lost jobs. Iā€™m thinking now after seeing more and more straight 7 promos that the branding is no longer being done as of Friday just gone. Anything made and shown before (e.g. Sunday Night has been SC, but Interview and the others are 7).

Doesnā€™t mean that people will like them any more.


I reckon they will avoid using dirty feeds because of the in-program advertising for Seven News Melbourne and the like. Then again, they donā€™t seem to care about it for their Nine marketsā€¦


Ups: Less time and less costs in playout.
Downs: Might get a similar situation with Nineā€™s NBN where the market-specific feeds (especially during news lead-ins, i.e. Millionaire Hot Seat) have a 0.1% chance of slipping metro ads and promos to their system. Imagine, a TOC miscue can slip Melbourne-specific content to Tasmanians on Southern Cross. As of now, I guess TNT is 95% ā€œclean,ā€ given the rare Seven News stuffup back then when SC News was about to begin.

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Regarding the affiliate naming, I regularly edit on Wikipedia and Iā€™m thinking that the name Southern Cross Seven, similar to the current name for the Nine affiliate, would not fit. In all SCA media relating to the Nine affiliate, they only use ā€œNine Networkā€ or simply ā€œNineā€ and this will presumably be the case for the Seven affliate. On the station level, itā€™s just ā€œNine [state name]ā€ and will soon be ā€œSeven [state name]ā€.

Iā€™m thinking of opening a rename discussion for proposals for the Wikipedia articles and I was wondering if anybody on MS had suggestions of their own? Iā€™m leaning towards Nine Regional and Seven Regional in a similar style to the official Nine News Regional, and the local versions of BBC One and Two broadcast in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (e.g. BBC One Scotland).

Note: This is concerning the Wikipedia articles, not the threads on Media Spy. Iā€™m looking for opinions before I start a formal discussion on Wikipedia as there may not be as many people passionate about TV media on Wikipedia as there is on MS.


the mod team are already onto it

Good idea, going a step further, what about merging Prime/7QLD/SC Tas threads, SC Nine, Nine Tas, Imparja and NBN threads, same with their news bulletin threads, as they have many common issues and are morphing into one based on their affiliations.

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Iā€™m talking about on Wikipedia, not on Media Spy, as I stated in my post. Iā€™m looking for opinions for Wikipedia.