I think they sometimes did this for Christmas Day only rather than for a whole period. I remember also Christmas Day was the day when the switch to local was always much later in the morning so we’d have the Nine and Seven presentations.
Interesting. I wasn’t aware of that and haven’t come across it yet while going through my old tapes. You wouldn’t happen to have a cap or anything of it? Also, you wouldn’t remember the year they did this? Thanks.
Bear with me guys. I’ll try my best to get some videos up of all these caps I’m providing at some stage.
Hey mate… I am pretty sure it was just before the logo changed to the tiger. 1998 or 1999 IIRC.
[quote=“LFD459, post:192, topic:360, full:true”]
Hey mate… I am pretty sure it was just before the logo changed to the tiger. 1998 or 1999 IIRC.
[/quote]Tiger logo was introduced in early 2000 from what I remember and from what I’ve discovered going through old tapes. Any chance you have a cap or clip of it?
I’ve found that the old blue rounded square with the Southern Cross constellation in white was still in use by early January 2000, but a few weeks later it had changed to the yellow/orange Tassie tiger. IIRC Southern Cross Victoria dumped this logo in 1993 to go independent.
The earlier version of the Southern Cross Network/Television constellation Id is still one of my favourites to this day!
…and later versions custom-mate and only shown in Tassie in the late '90s as SC Vic. went independent.
Those lineups look very ABC-like
The lineups are better in motion. For 2005 they’re not that bad considering it’s SC.
SCTV had great presentation back then. My favourite was the chevron design in 2004(?)
These were the idents used during 2004.
SC “seamlessly” inserted local identities into their butchered Seven version.
Version 1
Version 2
are these ones on YouTube? I really liked the corresponding seven idents.
Oops, should’ve been more specific - I meant the SC version.
I have the two versions but haven’t uploaded them yet but @WAtvVideos has already uploaded a couple of versions.
Here are my uploads:
Here are the videos to the 2005 lineups and idents.
Tiger lineup/ident:
Star lineups/idents:
And here’s a bonus “Lucky Seven” ident from 2003:
Great stuff, I think you might be the first to upload clips from Southern Cross during that era of On-Air Presentation!
[quote=“SydneyCityTV, post:207, topic:360, full:true”]
Great stuff, I think you might be the first to upload clips from Southern Cross during that era of On-Air Presentation!
SCTV uploads in particular are pretty rare to come by for some reason. They are the forgotten channel it seems.