Not when 7TWO isn’t in HD and certainly not when the two bulletins dominate in RQLD in their current arrangement.
I have to agree for once. Why change something that is working. Screening your product against a highly competitive show at 7pm has its risks. Not just if you move H&A to another channel, there is always a possibility that they would tune into rival shows in other networks eg ACA
Advertisers follow viewers - simple. The benefits must outweigh the costs for Seven to continue to produce news in the current manner. SCA retreated from 6pm local editions and WIN don’t have the numbers to be a real threat
No way this would work. 7Queensland is like Perth and Adelaide - the viewers are extremely loyal to both the news and H&A. Moving either or both would anger and fragment the audience.
This wouldn’t work as all the 7QLD bulletins are pre-recorded (sans Sunny Coast). They need that time to send the bulletin for playout. It only works on the Gold Coast because its live and pushed out of the Brisbane control room.
My only suggestion for 6pm with 7QLD is a proper state/national bulletin instead of the poorly cut down Brisbane edition. This would work well if 7 eventually bought Prime, they could produce a national 6:30pm bulletin hosted by someone like Ange Cox. They could even send to Tasmania/SA and Southern Cross could trim their bulletin to 30 mins.
You don’t programme your most popular drama against your mos popular local news show in the same timeslot
That is one sure way to piss of as many of your viewers at the same time
Perhaps produce it a bit like Ten do for their Brisbane bulletin now - having the Brisbane presenters do opt-out pre-records so they can improve story selection for the delayed segments before they join the live bulletin at the end?
I wouldn’t mess with much though - the viewers show they vastly prefer the current 7 Queensland product.
Doesn’t Home & Away rate far higher in regional markets than it does in the major metropolises?
Either way, I could never see Seven airing a news bulletin at 7pm in regional markets. H&A doesn’t even air at 7pm every weeknight, these days there’s that weird double/triple episodes thing happening on Wednesdays and/or Thursdays, with Better Homes & Gardens (another show which I suspect, likely rates better regionally than it does in the cities) on Seven at 7pm Fridays at last check.
Why is this even a discussion?
The bulletins are staying and definitely won’t be moving timeslots anytime soon.
The cut-down metro bulletin is used as a filler. Seven Regional can’t sit there and record 1 hour long bulletins for all the regions.
If anything, using Rod Young on the GC to do a condensed state bulletin at 6.30 would be better.
Good idea, although Amanda Abate would probably be more likely to do it given Rod only works four days, and Amanda seems to do all the extra bulletins these days, such as when Kendall’s away from the 4pm bulletin in Queensland, Amanda tends to fill in for her.
They can’t. The GC is all fed through the Brisbane control room, which is obviously in use.
Not hour long bulletins. My suggestion is one dedicated state/national bulletin, produced in either Brisbane or Sydney for 6.30pm.
Networks are axing bulletins all over Australia. No one is launching a new bulletin for Queensland. Let’s at least keep our ideas in a realm that makes economic sense
Networks are adding or changing bulletins or lineups to increase market share (grow revenue) or minimize costs. Not to make the lineup neater abs tidier for media spy
7 QLD absolutely dominates 6-7
No changes are needed or warranted
That’s right. If anyone should be changing anything it’s SCA or WIN.
Of all the ideas so far, mine is the one least embedded in reallity?
If they had the required equipment they could, or if they ran it through the region studio.
Having spent most of my life living in a major city and now living on the Sunshine Coast, it’s actually really nice having someone like Rob read the news. It feels allot more positive and energetic over the city news bulletins which tend to be a little negative and depressing.
@InTheNose wondering if you could possibly shed some light on why this always happens on the weekends?
I’ve noticed plenty of times before, on the weekends specifically, that irrelevant Brisbane news will be posted on the regional Facebook pages. Always tends to lead to a flurry of annoyed/angry comments from locals.
The top of the post, just above my screenshot reads “The rain is here!”
Which is incorrect for the North QLD region that this post is targeted towards.
The Seven Brisbane team would be selecting to post content on all pages at once rather than just Brissy since the Seven News QLD bulletin is a “statewide” focus.