Seven News Presenters and Reporters

I nearly posted - but I thought surely someone else would!

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As per every year for how ever long on AFL Grand Final Day, Peter Mitchell is presenting in Melbourne this evening.


Rick Ardon (Live from Optus Stadium) and Angela Tsun (in studio) presenting the news in Perth



Mark Riley reporting from Washington, and will have an exclusive interview with Scott Morrison on Weekend Sunrise tomorrow.


He should not have travelled there. They have two perfectly capable US correspondents who are more than capable of handing the story.


Would they have got the exclusive interview with the PM?
Better stories likely from a political editor across the scene rather than a US corrie.


The government shouldn’t of allowed it and Seven should not have asked. Seven have done this a number of times during the pandemic and they should stop. Especially when people have been waiting over a year to come home.

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I’m pretty sure most (if not all) media organisations would’ve asked for travel exceptions at some point during the pandemic.

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The network poitical editor shouldn’t have gone to cover some of the biggest talks and deals in Australia’s political history? Hmmmm, ok.

Ex-pats are also limited in their ability to return home by the cost and availability of flights. Plus, media (like sportspeople and celebs here filming for movies and TV) are usually not counted in hotel quarantine places and have a seperate arrangement above the public places.


Do the media travel on the Prime Minister’s plane and therefore not form part of the passenger inbound cap?

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Not very exclusive. That word gets thrown around way too much.

Morrison had a sit down interview with SBS. It was on their World News last night.


Mark Soderstrom has revealed he has been battling depression for more than 20 years and has been taking anti-depressants ever since his diagnosis.


I’m pretty sure the cases of people still waiting to get home are becoming fewer and further between. There may be some cases… but I’d suggest a lot of the people coming home now are simply coming to the end of their visas or wanting to return home for one or another reason. They have not necessarily been waiting since the pandemic began.

Sure they may be registered with DFAT as being ‘stranded’… but those repat flights just give Aussies needing to return home an option other than a commercial flight. A friend of mine has just completed 7 years in London. They have just booked on a repat flight to Darwin simply because they didn’t want to do a hotel room.

These people are not stranded. They are just flying home because they have a want or need to.

Which all Australians should be able to do… Mark Riley included.

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Totally agree with this. A family friend has travelled to the UK and back twice since the pandemic began to see her husband, who relocated for work in January last year. She received no special treatment and never had to wait for a spot on a plane or hotel quarantine, so I’d be shocked if there are still people who have been waiting all that long.


It is fine if you have tens of thousands of dollars spare to pay for it if you don’t you have to wait. It is a bad look when Seven have reporters in the US already who can cover it.


Angela Cox is presenting the Morning News today.

Angie Asimus presented Sydney’s Afternoon News.


The repat flights are only a couple of thousand and operate a few times a month. You can get on them pretty easily.

The commercial flights are ‘tens of thousands’ if you need to fly straight away, but if you book in advance they are not. I have flights in December which were about £2000 return at the time I booked.

Yes there are challenges but there’s a lot of myths and misconceptions about it too.

Mark Riley is not the only journo to go overseas during the pandemic… and I think in this case the reason for travel is justified.

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If Seven did not have any journalists based in the US then it would be justified for Mark Riley to travel. However that was not the case. Seven have two perfectly competent US correspondents that can perform the duties. As was mentioned he’s interview with Scotty from Marketing was not an exclusive and he had nothing much to say.