Seven News Presenters and Reporters (2015-Sept 2020)

Melissa Doyle doing a presentation in March on the Sunshine Coast. 7News is a sponsor.


Pretty sure there was also TVQ footage used the night Mike Higgins returned to 7News last last year.

Ripped from You Tubeā€¦

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Friday: Natalie Barr is presenting the early news


Damien Smith is also a media advisor now.

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Like most jobs you see out a few weeks before you go. He isnā€™t reporting on stare politics anymore.

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Whatā€™s with the knobby unfollow comment?

Because the current NSW Government is a shambles.

Why do I get the impression that Sean Berry actually isnā€™t a very nice person off-camera and that Seven News Sydney will probably be better off with someone like Sarina or Sarah as their new Macquarie Street correspondent?

Our state government has arguably been a shambles since (at least) Bob Carrā€™s retirement in 2005, but that debate is for another topicā€¦

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Probably because heā€™s going to be highly political in future and that will be a turnoff for at least half his followers.


Friday: Samantha Brett is presenting weather on the morning and afternoon news

Chris Reason is presenting Sydneyā€™s 6pm news, Sally Bowrey is presenting weather

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And also presented the weather on the morning news.

(24/1/2020) Susannah Carr is presenting the Afternoon News in Perth today.


Nice interview with Kay McGrath this morning on Sunrise, from the Brisbane news set.
I wonder if Sharyn and/or Max or maybe Katrina will join her on Sunday night to congratulate her or to introduce the final story?

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I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to include people that have been promoted or moved to another newsroom or bureau.


I was thinking that Katrina should be there for the official handover too, though I think she will still be on holidays. The other two donā€™t need to be there, in my opinion.

Iā€™m expecting a few pre-recorded messages of well wishes, maybe from Rod Young, the Premier, news bosses and the Morcombes. I know the weekly Flashback segment is already dedicated to her career.


I do, because reporters like Hugh Whitfeld & Paul Kadak whoā€™ve moved to the overseas bureaus are reporters who are obviously no longer covering Sydney local news.

Similar deal with Nineā€™s Amelia Adams & Sophie Walsh along with other network reporters whoā€™ve moved overseas.

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I expect Pat Welsh to read sport. Pat has been at 7 even longer than Kay. Itā€™d be nice for him to say a few words too.


Today marks 35 years Since Susannah Carr and Rick Ardon presented there first news bulletinā€¦Amazing