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Another angle

Comparison -


I didn’t realise how much of it was reused. :grimacing:


Basically just a new desk.

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Having no riser for the desk makes it look odd, unless it’s hidden behind the desk. Brisbane’s desk has no riser.

There are no good angles for this shit.

The only good set Seven Adelaide has had in 30 years are the direct replicas of a network look - twisted metal and the 1989 grey look. Otherwise it’s all been ghastly.


The live backdrop looks generally better at 6pm than 4pm. At 4 there were glass look diagonals moving from right to left across both live shots and static images (obviously not evident in caps). At 6pm it’s a clean image for the live though the glass look is back for static story backdrops.



At least it looks 7news-ish. Perth’s purple spaceship is just odd.

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Glad they updated the backdrop screens.
The desk is the wrong shape. Too small, ugly grey bulkhead on the top. It needs more behind each side. The screen is too high.

What they should have done is just retrofit the old desk with a screen and modify the front of it a bit.

The new desk is definitely out of place and not a good step forward.

Who on earth designs these desks?!

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Standing sport presentation - “sport” text on background was animated.


Are they still using any OTS graphics? Or have they finally got rid of them?

The space looks quite good (much better than their previous set where there was blue mixed in with purple, white and red :face_vomiting: ). That desk looks half finished though. They could honestly do without that top strip of blue light or replace it with a glass top that extends across the entire desk and it would look great.

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The set and the way Jane is dressed makes it look like a boarding desk at Jetstar



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Do all the camera shots look crooked? or is it my eyesight

The presenters facial expressions says it all about the new set

Still better than their old set but then again that wasn’t hard to exceed.

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The overall set changes could’ve looked good if they’d just executed the desk well, though we all know how inconsistent and poorly planned 7 are when it comes to their news set desks.

7 Brisbane / Gold Coast’s desks are both hideous.

7 Melbourne was moved and now just looks silly.

7 Perth’s is ridiculously oversized and inconsistent with their style.

7 Sydney changed theirs to something oversized for the space and then changed the front again when they realised how stupid it looked.


Is that on a Boeing 777? :upside_down_face:

But back at the new set. The use of the new rear screens and inclusion of red accents on most of the rear screen graphics is a fantastic improvement. However, there is too much blue elsewhere around the set IMO. (Adelaide doesn’t need a Martin Place inspired aquarium set :stuck_out_tongue: ) Resisting blue overload (in 7NEWS mode) is something the now old set got right.

As for the desk… it is too dark. Refinishing the top part in a closer to white colour and changing the blue accents to red would be an option.

Or scrap the desk and build a new one with inspiration from the old desk, but smaller (if it must be smaller at all?). Maybe with a custom aspect LED matrix for alternating between 7NEWS (ditch the blue background) / Breaking News. Something along the lines of…

(I realise this is erring towards a ‘Random Mock’ but does relate to Adelaide’s new set)



Seven need to think about a whole new set in Adelaide next time, it looks tired at this stage because they keep recycling the same elements in a very cheap way.

Perth’s is still the worst though - that huge glowing desk is just so off-putting against the green screen.


Breaking: 7 News Adelaide’s desks have made such an impact that they’ve been immediately implemented across different networks and genres