They added some red lines to the Sydney set today.
Now to just change that UGLY graphic on the screen in front of the desk, seriously so hideous.
Don’t know why they just won’t pull a The Latest and do a simple horizontal 7NEWS logo desk graphic that blends in with the desk or something.
The banter between Fergo & Mel is top shelf
Top shelf awkward? Top shelf cringey? Top shelf bland?
Oh, you clearly don’t understand sarcasm.
New opening shot on 4pm news in Perth today
But Still no VO intro
Better than the previous apocalypse filtered looking one
Woo, nice! I didn’t think they’d go to the trouble of filming new footage just for a promo. The 7 appears to look a bit darker than usual. Hoping they are debuting a new skyline background too, maybe those ones from The Latest thread are the revised ones? Would be nice if we got a set tweak too, but I’m not getting my hopes up that high.
A bit odd that they didn’t update the skyline background as well as the current one doesn’t really suit the nightly vibe like the revised title card has, but a nice change. Good to see the Perth bulletin is getting more polish, the promos are looking more refined, and the adjustment of adding the theme music and proper transitions in the previews rather than just jump cuts is a nice touch.
EDIT: Apologies for the quality since I took this picture quickly, is this backdrop new? Looks like they are using a tweaked one, at least for the updates:
They just modified the background to add a building at Elizabeth Quay as construction is nearly finished on that.
If this cyclone doesn’t cut it out, we could be sure of* a sever warning.
Jesus. I won’t be wearing my Speedos on that beach.
The globe side screens look stunning, much better than the globe on the main screen. Now they just need to replace the main screen with a news exchange loop to compliment the new globes.
You wanted less blue. Ask and you shall receive.
The tighter LHS shot during the opener of the Morning News looks nicer than the wideshot too.
That’s so much nicer, Why does Nine have to be so lazy and just zoom in on the presenter after the title card has opened?! One of the main things I miss about production from Studio 23.