Seven News Content and Appearance (2015-2020)

Not on the same day (not even the same year), and there was a little contextual editing (e.g. the no news supers for 7, 9 and 10) for entertainment purposes :wink:

Copy and pasting the YouTube description:

Clips are from Seven News and Today Tonight Adelaide (April 2017), Ten Eyewitness News Adelaide (September 2015) and Nine News Adelaide (May 2017).

Nine’s clip was if I recall the first bulletin using the new Adelaide set and there was a long break waiting for ACA. 7 were for a little while having technical issues on one day of the week, over several weeks, but this all seems to be fixed these days :slight_smile:

Originally posted in tongue-in-cheek mocks: Tongue-in-cheek mocks - #337 by marquisite