Seven News Content and Appearance (2015-2020)

It is so bad!
What is wrong with a newsroom or control room shot?


As far as the national news backdrops are concerned, Nine’s news exchange backdrop looks fine while Seven’s globe backdrop is absolutely disgusting IMO!


Melbourne doesn’t get the national Weekend 5pm News?

6pm bulletin littered with audio issues tonight, although handled well.

Must be gremlins in Aussie TV systems at the moment :wink:

And Queensland only gets the 5pm News on Sundays.

Actually that was during the footy, Melbourne probably gets it now.

Seriously though, what’s the point? Who is watching those 5pm bulletins on Saturday & Sunday on Ch 7 & Ch 9

Not quite sure what that means, because isn’t that what they’re doing every day of the year?

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Does anyone here know if the news update on Seven Afternoon News in Sydney at 4:45 is pre-recorded or live?(It doesn’t seem possible to broadcast an update from the same set at the same time.)

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The Seven News Sydney update at/around 4.45pm during the Afternoon News is definitely a pre-recorded one. In this clip from the start of the year (thanks to South Coast TV), a minor graphics error reveals the pre-record:


Sharyn Ghidella has a bit of a cough in the opener of 7 News Brisbane…

Meanwhile, I know it’s been like it for a while but what’s with news bulletins never having closers anymore :frowning:


One thing I hate. I presume that it has to do with time as Kay McGrath does a farewell/closer on the weekends.

I have watched the videos with Kay as well and her closers are just as short as the weekday ones. It’s the same on national bulletins and bulletins everywhere.

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TBH, I rarely watch the weeknight edition of Seven News Brisbane. But what would you describe as a decent closer/farewell? Just interested. Nine National Bulletins, a quite a few sentences.

Well most closers are no longer than 7 seconds these days. Rare occasion they’ll be 10 seconds and beyond that is almost unheard of these days. You used to get a closer of 20-30 seconds on national bulletins especially quite regularly in days gone by. Even up to a minute on the rarest of occasions.

This about the longest closer I ever captured (originally uploaded by myself to Youtube). I did however record a longer one that occurred on the 4.30 news back in 2004 the day of the Jakarta bomb attack. It went for about 2.53 and unfortunately I recorded over half of it. It contained parts of the previous news theme that were heard that day that were never heard again after.


As much as I’m sure all of us media enthusiasts really enjoy a long closer with a decent chunk of the theme music heard, for your average viewer a long closer of 2 minutes+ is pretty much a cue to change channels. Hence why all the bulletins/programs try and keep the closers short and sweet wherever possible these days.


Aware of that, but a decent closer of 20-30 seconds wouldn’t go astray from time to time.


It’s wasted airtime. That 20 seconds could be better spent plugging their social media channels, a quick VO earlier in the bulletin or a network promo afterwards. Every time I see a closer these days it just feels like a relic.


Always loved that closer video, despite the weird mixing of the theme music!

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Probably the worst mix/closer of that theme I have ever heard. It’s the same closing bed over, and over, and over, and over.

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I really wish Seven’s Melbourne studio would be refurbished to a similar Sydney set, just like they did in 2013. The set they have right now looks quite dull and cramped.


Whilst some wish that this didn’t happen, I suspect that HSV’s Seven News will have a replica set to Sydney sometime next year.