Seven News and Current Affairs


Actually a very good looking bulletin for it’s time.

When did Seven change their theme to use The Mission?

…but probably third in the Sydney ratings against National Nine News and Eyewitness News on Ten back then?

By the end of 1984, Seven would extend their bulletin to a full hour (resulting in the regional stations switching to Hendo) and briefly have Karina Kelly as a co-presenter for Ross Symonds. Think after that, Seven News Sydney remained #3 until the Late 80s/Early 90s when they rose at the expense of Ten.

January 18, 1988 - at least in the three main East Coast markets.

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I really think it was a mistake for Seven Melbourne to block that view of the newsroom from the desk. That was a great look for them.


No it wasn’t.

The BCM newsroom/control room was great and worked well for national bulletins (4.30 News/Morning News etc), but didn’t reignite with the local 6pm Melbourne audience. Melbourne news ratings were in the toilet from 2002-2004. I remember there was even speculation that the weekend news (with Jennifer Adams) was going to me moved to Sydney in 2002.


While a newsroom backdrop wasn’t ​ideal for a local Melbourne news bulletin, those horrendous blue backgrounds weren’t any better!

Seven News Melbourne finally got it right when a proper liveshot of the city was introduced (as a market first, GTV stuck with static backgrounds until 2009) with the wood/twisted metal set.


New management was brought in around the end of 2003/2004 which also helped guide the bulletin to winning from 2006-2011.


Does anyone know when did they bring the desk back on Sunrise, they had the desk at the old studio and eventually got one in Martin Place. Just looks a bit weird seeing Sunrise without the desk.

IIRC it was the start of 2006.

It was certainly in place by April 2006, when Sunrise launched Operation Sunrise after Cyclone Larry.


Mel and Beretts were live from Brekky Central with Kochie on location.


As the video says…. Lol


What was it? Why was it called operation sunrise?

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To help provide relief to people affected by the cyclone.

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They also had ‘Sunrise Operation Bounce Back’ post Cyclone Yasi IIRC.

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Yeah I get that, but why was it called that? What was different, other than having a host on location?

It was back in the day when they used to do Campaigns and Sunrise organised hundreds of Tradies to fly to FNQ to help repair the damage from Cyclone Larry.


A fairly “recent” addition to the Seven News Vault YouTube channel, but one which might still be of interest.

Seven News + Today Tonight Queensland from February 11, 2013:

For those who weren’t around Media Spy eight years ago, this was the night that Seven relaunched TT with a Queensland edition fronted by Sharyn Ghidella while Sydney & Melbourne received the new (and often blooper prone) “South East” edition fronted by Helen Kapalos.

That “You Be The Judge” segment with Derryn Hinch received quite a bit of criticism from this forum back in the day. And whatever happened to Fango anyway?


Interesting placement of the ‘VAULT’ watermark within the video…


Then there’s that graphics recreation on the thumbnail. Here’s my quick attempts at better versions:

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