[quote=“BJT2, post:678, topic:41, full:true”]
Sad time for this little show to leave our screens! The last of the 90s Children shows to go. I put this in the same category as the glory days of Agro’s Cartoon Connection, Amazing and Cheeze TV. [/quote]Very sad . That was my childhood right there. Have fond memories of them all but Amazing and Cheez were two of the best!
As Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and Northern Territory had their New Double Goldbergs fix on Saturday Night, Tonight it’s the Rest of Australia’s Turn to have their Share. Next Monday Night is a Single Episode Only entitled Wingmom airing around 11:40p.m.
The reasons why Seven stick with the traditional daytime AFL Grand Final are quite simple: tradition.
I think you’ll also find that many NRL fans actually hate the Grand Final being held at night (which is why they trialled twilight GFs a few years back) and would prefer it to be held during the day like it used to be.
I think that daytime grand final makes it more of an event and potentially gets them more viewers, particularly in Melbourne. There’s basically nothing open on Grand Final afternoon, and most people go to some form of grand final function (even if that’s just watching it at home with family). Basically the people who don’t watch it aren’t going to regardless of when it’s on or how much you try to convince them.
Having the Grand Final at night would risk it merging into being just another day and would make it less family friendly.
I would also think thait Seven do quite well with their shows that night after the game- it’s the sort of day when people can’t be bothered doing anything to much after the game, so there would be more at home watching TV than on a regular Saturday night.