Seven Network - Programs and Schedules

I’m confused why? What has the election got to do with Seven? Or fast tracking?

Could you please read and implement something like the following guide in your future posts

When Should You Capitalize Words?


I’ll Delete it then.

Don’t spit the dummy. Just correct your post.

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Fine, OK.

Kiss Bang Love bumped to 09:45
replaced with the equally interesting
08:45 PM World’s Most Extreme: World’s Most Extreme Airports Rpt

That means Ramsay’s Hotel Hell Repeats are Removed from the Schedule, for Now at Least. Luckily The Goldbergs are still there but Seven have to Keep up with the Rest of the World in airing New Episodes of this Brilliant Family Sitcom.


Where is The Big Music Quiz? Cannonball? Winners & Losers? Seven should be showing first-run programs between now and the Olympics.

Not sure if mentioned but i saw that Ep1 and 2 Season 1 of The Goldbergs starts7.30pm next Tuesday on 7 Flix. I have not seen this show but only have heard good things about it. I would assume they have the rights for catch up on Plus 7.

I haven’t heard good things about it.

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Yep, it seems Once Upon A Time has been removed from the schedule as of next week, only 3 episodes into season 5 and networks here wonder why people download shows?

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The original Monday night episode is still on, seems to only be the second one which has only been going for a few weeks.

They’ve already repeated the first season twice. They need to hurry up and screen the rest of season 2 and season 3.

Repeated on 7 Flix ?

I had not seen the show at all.

Well here’s your chance now.

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7 holds first run rights don’t they ? Season 2 and 3 aren’t airing on Foxtel, are they ?

You’d have to check with our resident Goldbergs expert @TheStyles83


Is Prime airing 7 Flix yet ?


If it was, we undoubtedly would’ve heard a formal announcement from Prime Media and/or comments from viewers in the viewing area…