And just to rub it in, the Seven HD Sydney stream that has been available since late last year is no longer HD.
Obviously if the 7mate simulcast extends beyond tonight, it’s poor planning on Seven’s part - but absolutely clearly their goal is a simulcast of the main channel outside of when showing the AFL in HD.
Seven are absolutely doing the right thing - giving people premium sport from multichannels in HD. It sucked loosing the NRL in HD when 9HD launched, and the filler content is rarely worth it.
I’ve just tried it and it’s still working using the ‘Australian IPTV Channels’ Command Tool program @WAtvVideos created before he introduced the new website
That reminds me, I’ll add it to the site now. Thanks @Jeffmister
What the actual fuck? Come home and 7 is now Mate and all my 7 shows are recording the wrong shit from Mate.
I personally would’ve thought that the “Sydney will get the change made by the weekend” comment was referring to the HD channel moving to LCN-70 and MPEG4 rather than the stream being flicked from 7mate to Seven (that’s something that could be easily done, surely?), although of course I could be wrong.
Both Seven’s TV guide and ninemsn TV guide have added 7HD to the listings.
Sorry mate, @Sifon was right. It’s still working but maximum quality is now 504p like the rest of the 7 channels.
Fantastic to have the footy remain in HD. Great work Seven!
Looking at the TV Guides - it confirms the worst case scenario where 7HD is only listed in Melbourne and Adelaide next week
While the other 3 markets get 7Mate HD
Grrr, what is the point of HD AFL in New South Wales and Queensland when more people are watching the main channels or Foxtel anyhow.
Read into it what you will, but an earlier version of the “7HD Sydney” EPG with the main channel listings even included the local shows like Sydney Weekender.
It’ll be interesting to see when/if Seven will change the LCN name to “7mate HD Sydney/Brisbane/Perth” if that’s indeed Seven’s plan for the channel.
I agree. Unless there’s a contractual obligation stating that the AFL must be broadcast in HD into all markets (and even then, surely you can work around that by doing AFL breakaways for Sydney, Brisbane and Perth?), why bother broadcasting Seven HD in some markets and 7mate HD in (most) others? Is consistency too much to ask for?
Somehow, I actually wouldn’t be surprised to see the ABC launch it’s main channel nationwide before Seven HD launches in Sydney, Brisbane and Perth. Where’s the facepalm emoticon when you need it!
…or just move the AFL to the main channel in all markets.
Based from that guide, looks like a boring HD logo
Was hoping to see the glass cube come back, that looked amazing.
Interesting to see 7mate labelled as HD now despite being HD for 6 years
It’s just a temporary logo put in by web designers, I am sure Seven has not released the new 7HD logo just yet.
Ah okay, makes sense. Thanks for the clarification
That would make far too much sense.
If this two tier system of HD broadcasting continues for any extended period of time, I would perhaps recommend giving the following hashtags a run on social media:
You get the idea. Not something I would really want to do personally, but it might be an option worth seriously considering especially if the ABC launches a simulcast of it’s main channel nationwide before Seven HD launches in the aforementioned three markets and/or Seven persists with the two tier HD broadcasting into the Olympics, possibly even after the AFL season finishes.
And yes, I’m all too aware viewers in Sydney, Brisbane and Perth should consider themselves very lucky compared to viewers in regional areas that can’t even access the HD main channels of Ten and/or Nine, but still!
Anyway, rant over.
…for all we know, there might not even be a new 7HD logo or a 7mate HD logo!
Melbourne and Adelaide are very strong heartlands of AFL, but what about Perth? Why is Perth getting 7 mate instead of 7 HD?
Live Friday night and Saturday night games in to Perth are shown on mate
Games on delayed have been on 7