SBS World News



Live cross to Janice Petersen happened just before 7pm with Janice introducing more Australia Day reports.

Wednesday & Thursday-

Ricardo Goncalves is presenting .

Very late to the party but have they changed the studio lighting?
Always remember it being a warmer tone.


Monday 4 March -

Michael Tomalaris is presenting tonight.

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Is she some kind of icon?

You know it!

Tuesday 5 March -

Michael Tomalaris is presenting again tonight.

I’ve always found Australians tend to over-rate their newsreaders.

Wash your mouth. Don’t underestimate the Chin! :open_mouth:

How dare you! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Stan Grant is probably the only Australian newsreader to have reached international acclaim.

He identifies as an Aboriginal person. So I guess why he’s not well liked by the white middle-aged fat guys on this forum.

someone’s just trolling


Monday 18 March-

Darren Mara is presenting tonight.
Ricardo Goncalves has been reporting from Christchurch the past few days.


Wednesday & Thursday -

Ricardo Goncalves is presenting.

Thursday -

Virginia Langeberg is presenting Late edition for the first time tonight.

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Virginia Langeberg at 10:30


Friday -

Ricardo Goncalves is also presenting tonight filling in for Anton Enus.

Was wondering what happened to Virginia, Haven’t seen her since her 9 News Adelaide days in 2014.

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She was at the BBC for a little while I think?

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She worked for the BBC from July 2016 until July 2018.

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