Old post, but yes - is the answer.
At a house along Ogoa Street, (Ela Dorina Hill that looks over Ela Beach, high up - great views), we had set up TWO stacked 28 element Channel Master VHF antennae, a remote rotator for it, and a 20db max gain Kingray MH amplifier. Heavy duty mast with guy wire.
300ohm ‘foam filled’ ribbon ran between each aerial, in the middle of this run, was a 75ohm balan - to which we then ran the then best 75ohm coaxial cable available back then, foam air dialectic with single foil n braid.
Today, I’d have used Quad Shield RG6.
TV was a Sony colour Trinitron 68cm, the ants pants back then!
Every single year, from about mid April, we’d receive at increasing signal strengths from pure analogue ‘snow’ - day by day for about two-three weeks, at which you’d then have stable pictures, both day and night. Utterly fade free for about two weeks mid season, minimal fades a few weeks either side of the season:- FNQ 10 Cairns, TNQ 7 Townsville, MVQ 6 Mackay AND. the ABC TV channel from each town.
The signals would fade out, in the same manner mid October to Mid November (we’d watch a fady Melbourne Cup, with full sound, and had parties with guests). Those Tropo signals would go and not return till next April.
Interim, was rapid fade in and out Sporadic E, - low band VHF Channels; old Bris channel 0, Melbourne, I expect Wagga Wagga, through to reception of Ch5A either from Newcastle or elsewhere, NBN TV Newcastle.
Sometimes you get a fully stabilised picture, on say Ch 2, yet the received sound, clear as day, was from another channel!
Never had VHF 06-11 reception during off Tropo season from anywhere!
Pretty certain we had a few seconds of periodic low band reception owing meteor scatter, you get full quality and sound before the signal just faded as quick as it arrived, always a single moment of time, nothing the rest of the day.
I was certain that Moresby would receive future FM services from AUS, and TV, so strong were those Tropo signals, that they’d have certainly disrupted future POM VHF TV services, for some parts of Pt Moresby!
Moresby today, I am certain is on UHF. I’d bet I’d get NQ UHF TV signals:-)
IF I were to try say a 12dbi UHF CB base aerial, or better, a few elements beam, and aimed south, we’d get UHF CB reception as far as say Mackay, Cairns etc north, certainly.
FM radio ditto.