I think it was under Bond when Nine offloaded STW to Sunraysia Television due to exceeding ownership limits, but picked up STV8 in exchange, which it then sold off pretty quickly to ENT (BTV/GMV) with handover by January 1990 and STV8 transitioned affiliation from Southern Cross to VIC TV (now WIN)
It’s worth noting that during Full Frontal’s first season, each episode had two or three Fast Forward cast members billed as “guest stars”, hence why there’s so many of them in this photo.
(P.S. I can name 18 out of the 20 without Googling)
So discussion of the OC in the Classic TV Listings made me go and see if I could prove a random memory I had - that Nine used black and white a bit in their promos for it - which in turn made me think the show was nothing like it actually is.
I didn’t find any Nine era promos for it, but did see this one - a Southern Cross Tasmania promo for it. Obviously only the end card is different, but you don’t see much tiger-logo SC.
Found this piece of history while cleaning around the house! Published 1993
In mint condition as well. Just the paper edges of the outside are a little bit worn.